Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Dress
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What is Alex Trebek answering the Laurel or Yanny question?
May 16th, 2018 under Game Shows, Jeopardy, The Dress. [ Comments: none ]

We think of Alex Trebek as one of the smartest people in the world. Therefore, if the Jeopardy host says that something is so, then we do not argue with him.

Today, he listened to the Laurel/Yanny audio and declared that it is saying “Yanny”. In this video, yes I hear it saying “Yanni”. But on the original audio, it is totally saying “Laurel”.

What do you hear? On that note, Marlee Matlin had the best response on the latest #TheDress. She Tweeted, “Yanni or Laurel? Don’t ask me. I can’t hear sh*t.”


Do you hear yanny or laurel?
May 15th, 2018 under The Dress. [ Comments: none ]

The new is it a blue and black or a white and gold dress is an audio clip asking if we hear yanny or laurel. Cloe Feldman asked that very question and now the world wide web is going crazy.

Depending on high of a pitch you can hear will depend which word you think it is. All I heard is, “You idiot, why do you keep falling for this crap?” And then I got in a 10-minute argument with it. At that point, I knew my answer.

BTW Yanni responded to the question, and it is perfect. To see what he heard, then click here!


What color are these sneakers?
October 12th, 2017 under Odd, The Dress. [ Comments: 1 ]

Remember two and a half years ago, when #TheDress divided friends and families as they argued if it was black and blue or white and gold? Well, there is a new dress and it is a pair of sneakers. Look at the picture because The Shoe Thing is asking, “What colour is this[?]” Are they pink and white or gray and teal? What I see is not what you might see, so what so do you see?

Want to see the answer, then click here!


Finally a jacket to go with #TheDress
February 27th, 2016 under Odd, The Dress. [ Comments: none ]

It has been a year since the world wondered if #TheDress is black and blue or white and gold. Since that is so last year, PopPunkBlogger wants to know is this jacket blue and white or black and brown?
I say just put this jacket on the dress, and make them both go away. All of this color confusion is making my eyes hurt.


I found my Halloween costume!
September 29th, 2015 under Halloween, The Dress. [ Comments: 2 ]

Remember earlier this year, when “The Dress” was all the rage? You know, the one that made you ask is black and blue or white and gold? Well, Yandy made a costume out of it and it is half one of the colors and half the other colors. I don’t know about you; but not only is this $46.95 dress my Halloween costume, it is also my go-to little black dress. Wouldn’t it be fun to go to a bar and ask people what color is my dress? The drunker the better!


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