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Steve-O is getting a boob job
July 5th, 2024 under Odd. [ Comments: none ]

Steve-O has done a lot of crazy things with Jackass. His next stunt might be the craziest one of them all.

The Jackass told X5 that he has an appointment to get a boob job to prank people to see their reactions.

How long will he keep them in? As of now, he is planning to have them for two months. But you never know, he might want to keep his Ds in longer than that. Because men would love to have boobs that they can touch whenever they want.

What do you think of this stunt?


Has Big Foot finally been spotted?
October 11th, 2023 under Odd. [ Comments: none ]

For decades, people have been trying to find the elusive Big Foot, and it looks like he might have been hiding out in Colorado.

Brandon, aka bt92.travels, was on the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad when he noticed something moving in the remote mountainside of Colorado.

It was a large tan animal walking on two feet like a human alongside the rocks in the area. And then it squatted down as to disguise himself with nature.

Is it the Big Foot that we have been hearing about? Is it someone in a Halloween costume to fake us all out? We don’t know. But I expect to see several investigative shows zooming over to the location to find out.

So if that really is a Sasquatch, he better run because that area is going to be flooded with camera crews and hunters faster than you can say Big Foot.

And I will be patiently waiting to see what they come up with because I watch all of those shows.


Where is the safest place in America during a Zombie attack?
August 18th, 2023 under Odd. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest. We have all that discussion about what you would do in case of a Zombie attack. I would say the same thing I say to my boyfriend, and that is, “Eat me.” Because movies and television shows don’t make it look like it is worth it to survive.

While that is how I feel, Jeffbet did a study to find the safest place to be in America, and it is eerie, as in Millcreek Mall in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Wealth of Geeks says that malls are good places to seek shelter because they are “stocked with warm clothing, food supplies, furniture, and things to pass the time, such as bookstores, arcades, and even amusement parks.” I guess they have never seen Chopping Mall or Night of the Comet.

Back to how Jeffbet decided which mall is the best one to escape to. They based it on eight key factors: demand, infection risk, shelter suitability, food, weapons, medicine, mental stimulation, and the chance of rescue. Millcreek topped the charts because it has a pharmacy, a helipad, and it is near a hospital.

So if you live near Erie, then you know where to go. But would you go?


Want to see what a 67-pound goldfish?
November 22nd, 2022 under Odd. [ Comments: none ]

When I was in college, I had a 2-pound goldfish, and I thought he was big. He has nothing on Carrot, who lives in Bluewater Lakes.

Carrot is about 20 years old and weighs in at 67 pounds and 4 ounces. The fighter fish is rarely caught, but Andy Hackett was able to catch him, hook, line, and sinker earlier this month.

According to Daily Mail, the leather carp and a koi carp was placed in the water as a guppy and has continued to grow and grow. And I am sure she will keep getting bigger. That is because the man who caught her set her free after a few photos.

Is it wrong that I want to fly to Champagne, France, to catch her and bring her home with me? But then again, my cat would kill me before she killed Carrot. And when she was done eating me, she would move on to Carrot.


Did you know roaches smoke cigarettes?
September 9th, 2022 under Odd. [ Comments: none ]

via What Is Ney York Official

Remember the Pizza Rat? Well, he isn’t the only one picking up the trash from those creatures who walk on two feet. Someone captured a cockroach in the NYC subway dragging a cigarette butt down into the depths of hell under the city with him.

Just when I thought I saw everything. It turns out I haven’t. What is next? A pigeon flying around with a bong? Could you imagine a bird shitting on us when he was high? Would that give us a contact high? Things I need to know now.


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