Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2015 » September
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Ever wonder why actors say sex scenes are so unromantic to film?
September 28th, 2015 under Fox, Kristen Schaal, Will Forte. [ Comments: none ]

Whenever an actor is asked about filming a sex scene, they always they are not as romantic as they look. Well, Fox just shared this behind the scenes photo of Will Forte and Kristen Schaal in bed on the set of The Last Man on Earth, and you can understand why they say that.
Look at them surrounded by people in the well-lit confined space, how can you get in the mood with all of that going on? The only thing that is making them hot is all of that lighting.
So now, I bet you are not as envious of actors when they get to film a love scene with someone on your To-Do List?


Family Feud continues its racy season with a man guessing vagina!
September 28th, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, we all laughed when a contestant on Family Feud was asked the last place he stuck his finger and he said his wife. Well, this week there is another answer of that caliber.
Steve Harvey asked, “Talked to 100 men, name the first part of a woman you touch to get her in the mood?” Then you see the little shy boy come out of Larry as he said, “That would be the lower front or the…vagina.” As soon as he was done answering the question, everyone lost it with laughter and the host went off on one of his hysterical rants. One that kept going and going, even though Larry wanted to move on because he was so embarrassed he just said that on national television.
Then when Harvey had finally finished joking around, it was time to see if it was on the board. Believe it or not, it wasn’t. Larry’s expression was priceless when he heard the buzzer. It was like I just said that on national television for no reason at all, WTF? Harvey was shocked too, and asked his producers, “How the hell ain’t that up there? You see the smiles on these men’s faces??” Then he declared, “I don’t want to host this show no more.” Thankfully, they were able to talk him down off the ledge because Family Feud would not be the same without him. And those classic answers!


John Stamos slapped Matt Lauer!
September 28th, 2015 under Full House, John Stamos, TV News. [ Comments: 1 ]

A video posted by TODAY (@todayshow) on

John Stamos was on Today today and he slapped Matt Lauer when the newsman said to him, “You’re a grandpa?” Then when Uncle Jessie said it to him, he slapped him back. Finally, when Lauer said to him, “You’re really a grandfather?”, he slapped him hard enough that he will never ask that question again.
Of course the two men were playing around, but it was fun to finally see someone do to Lauer what many of us of have wanted to do for a while. It felt so good to watch him hurt so good.
And don’t forget to tune in to Stamos’ slapstick comedy Grandfathered on Fox tomorrow at 8p. Oh and I lied about it being slapstick, he reserves the slaps for Lauer! Ba da bump, tssss!


If Forever showed Ioan Gruffudd like this, it’d still be on the air!
September 28th, 2015 under ABC. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by Alice Evans (@aliceevansgruff) on

Last season, ABC had a great show on the air called Forever, and then they cancelled it for two horrible dramas Blood & Oil and Wicked City. But that is not the point.
So a big part about Forever is whenever Dr Henry Morgan would die and come back to life, he would come to in a body of water completely naked. Well, we never saw him naked on the show.
That was then and this is now. Over the weekend when Ioan Gruffudd was watching his Welsh team beat England, he got a little excited. His wife thought it so was cute that she recorded him jumping up and down, screaming at the television in just his underwear. Since he was overheating, he then decided to jump completely nude in their pool. Even though she told him she stopped recording, she didn’t. Alice Evans was able to capture a photo of her hubby butt naked mid-jump.
Looking at how cute his super moon is, I wish ABC would’ve showed it once or twice when Forever was on the air like they showed Dennis Franz’s on NYPD Blue. Maybe if they did, we would still be watching new episodes of Forever instead of the nothing that ABC currently has programmed on Tuesdays at 10p. Can you tell I am still bitter about its cancellation?
To see the money shot, then click here!


Kaley Cuoco is gonna wash that man right out of her hair
September 28th, 2015 under Chuck Lorre, Kaley Cuoco. [ Comments: none ]

On Friday, Kaley Cuoco announced that she is divorcing her husband of less than two years. Then over the weekend she shared a photo of herself holding some shampoo and conditioner. So you have to wonder if she watched South Pacific and started singing I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right of My Hair. At least that is what I do after I break up with a man. There is just something so cathartic about washing your hair and singing that song after a split.


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