Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » March
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Jessie J shaves her head for Comic Relief!
March 16th, 2013 under Admirable People. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday was Red Nose Day and Jessie J shaved off her shiny black hair for Comic Relief. Once all the locks were gone, the singer revealed her new look and we got to see that she is just as beautiful on the outside as the inside.
Seriously doesn’t she look even more gorgeous now with the shaved head. Doing good does wonders for someone’s appearance. We should all try it some time!
BTW Red Nose Day raised over £75,000,000 so far. If you want to help them raise even more money, you can donate here.


Julianne Hough loses her dance partner Ryan Seacreast
March 15th, 2013 under American Idol 9+, Dancing with the Stars, Julianne Hough. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Fame Flynet)

Julianne Hough and Ryan Seacrest have split according to People. The couple, who had been dating for two years, blame their “break” up on their busy work schedules. But let’s be real, I bet it is because he hasn’t put a ring on it.


Hoda Kotb has a landing strip and Kathie Lee Gifford just grooms!
March 15th, 2013 under Kathie Lee and Hoda. [ Comments: none ]

Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford don’t hold back on The Today Show and today they went below the belt (literally) with their comments. The two hosts were talking about an article that describes what a woman does by how she handles the hair down there. So as Hoda was reading the descriptions, Kathie Lee asked what she was and she said she is a landing strip. Well Kathie Lee just wouldn’t let it drop. Especially when the next story they did was about the best airports to meet men. Talk about a perfect tie-in. Well after that story Hoda finally got Kathie Lee to admit how she grooms down there and Gifford trims the hedges but doesn’t pull anything out any weeds. Now that the ladies talked about their hairy vajayjays, they asked the other women who work on the show how they maintain their bushes and Sarah said she has hardwood floors.
That is all I am going to say because there is nothing more that can be said about the matter.


Oprah Winfrey admits she has big breastses
March 15th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey is a guest on Steve Harvery‘s talk show and he asked her about what Terrence Howard said about her. When the actor was asked about working with Lady O, he told MovieFanatic “Oprah and I had such chemistry. To be able to make out with Oprah and to have love scenes with her and those tig ol’ bitties.”
Well today on Harvey’s show she talked about it and she took it all in good stride. In fact she said when her friends call her about it all upset, she responds to them with pride and says “Well I do have big breastses!” That she does and he is very lucky she is letting him get away with it.


A can of Whoop A$$ for your pet
March 15th, 2013 under Ads. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know about you, but I am addicted to As Seen on TV items. Well the latest product I found online is Quit It and basically it is a spray can that makes a hissing noise to stop your pet from doing bad. When I watched this commercial I was like no way is that going to work on pet. If I tried that on my cat, she wouldn’t run away from it. My cat would run towards the can and swat it out my hand. Seriously you think any pet is going to listen to that? Please they are smarter than that.


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