Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » September
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A reporter makes a little boy cry
September 18th, 2012 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

Dan Daru was going live for KDVR in Denver and he decided to talk to a little boy. You can see by the toddler’s face he did not look all that pleased to have that reporter talking to him and he also didn’t like having the camera in his face like that. But then when Daru threatened to take the cantaloupe away from the kid, he started to cry. Can “Drew the Farm Kid” be any more awwwwdorable? His face is just so precious that I dare you not go ahhhhhh when the water works start to run.
Even the anchors back at the station couldn’t hold back their emotions when they saw the little tike lose it live on air.
I don’t know who was more upset about that live shot, Drew or Daru? I am thinking Daru who probably will never talk to another kid again whether there is a camera on him or not because he is afraid the kid will cry when they see him.


Ellen DeGeneres leaves her mark on Kellie Pickler’s head!
September 18th, 2012 under Kellie Pickler, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Kellie Pickler was a guest on Ellen yesterday to talk about why she shaved her head and Ellen DeGeneres decided to shave her initials into the newly shorn singer’s head. Well let’s just that Ellen needs to stick to her a day job. And for Kellie it was only a week and half’s worth of growth, so it won’t be as bad to start over again.
I have said this before and I will say it again, I am so proud of Kellie for shaving her head to bring awareness to breast cancer. We forget that women of all ages can get it, so don’t wait until you are 40 to take your first mammogram. That decision can save your life.


Guess who is doing a walk of shame to a taxi?
September 18th, 2012 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who hasn’t been all that recently click here!


Demi Lovato tells Simon Cowell he’s an a$$hole!
September 18th, 2012 under American Idol 9+, Conan O'Brien, Demi Lovato, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: 1 ]

Simon Cowell is continuing his press tour for The X Factor and this time he is bringing Demi Lovato with him instead of Britney Spears. Yesterday the two of them were on Conan and they told the TBS late night host how they really feel about each other. Let’s just say if she wasn’t almost a third of his age, I bet the two of them would be getting married. Seriously am I the only who feels there is a sexual tension between them?
But it wasn’t only about Simon thinking she is annoying and Demi thinking he is a bit of an a$$hole, the King of Mean also talked about his rumored breakdown. He told Conan O’Brien that he decided to take six weeks off from the communicating with people and that was all. Bummer I was hoping for something more exciting, but I guess I can settle for his outrageous paparazzi picture that Conan shared with all of us! I bet even Demi thought he was being bratty.


Modern Family found a way to make Sofia Vergara’s boobs bigger!
September 18th, 2012 under Modern Family. [ Comments: none ]

Sofia Vergara naturally wears a 34DD bra, but I guess that was big enough for Modern Family because the show actually found a way to make her chest even larger than that. By making her character Gloria pregnant, she will have to wear a fake baby bump that will enhance her biggest feature even more. Even though the show already has huge ratings, I guess they wanted to make them as big as her girls! I have a feeling it work because I think the show will get some new implants just to check them out.
BTW you can watch them start to grow next Wednesday when the show is back for a bigger and more enhanced season.


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