Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » July
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Jason Alexander losing his bald spot?
July 21st, 2011 under Jason Alexander, Seinfeld. [ Comments: none ]

For as long as we have known Jason Alexander he has been balding on top, but he Tweeted some news that might change all of that. The Seinfeld actor said, “I am experimenting with some interesting hair systems. Don’t be shocked if you suddenly see pics of me with more hair than usual.” I don’t know if I am ready to see George Costanza with hair, I like him just the way he is!
Another thing I like about him is his Tweets. He is one of the few celebrity Tweeters whose voice you can hear when he writes his funny thoughts in 140 characters or less. And since he makes so many jokes on Twitter, I am not sure if he is telling the truth about him getting a new look.
Do you want to see him with a full head of hair or do you like him better with a half of one.


The many faces of Sofia Vergara!
July 21st, 2011 under Modern Family, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Sofia Vergara did a photoshoot for Parade Magazine and she decided to clown around for the cameras. Even when the Modern Family beauty is making funny faces she is still absolutely beautiful. I wish I had that problem because when I do those faces, I look like a complete dork. It makes me want to hate her, but I just can’t.
Besides the photoshoot, she also did an interview with the magazine and shared with them if she will be adding a baby to her family after she gets married to her fiance’ Nick Loeb. She said, “Nick wants babies. Imagine me, again with a baby, when Manolo is 20! I guess eventually I’ll do it—for love.” I hope she does it, and I am sure the boys are hoping she does it because she will get pregnancy boobs and her 34DD will get a lot bigger.
Pick up the magazine to learn even more about the Emmy nominee.


John Stamos’ embarrassing sex story!!!
July 21st, 2011 under Full House, Jimmy Kimmel, John Stamos. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 2:55 in)

John Stamos was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and told the host an embarrassing sex story. The Full House star is taking singing lessons and his teacher has been giving him exercises to do at home with his mouth to prepare for class. Well he was getting hot and heavy with a date, listening to the sexy music on his iPod when one of the instructions came on at the wrong moment. He was “rounding third base”, when all of a sudden the couple that was in a passionate foreplay moment heard, “Open your mouth wide…Stick your tongue all the way out.” Talk about a moment killer. But if I were in the same position with Uncle Jesse, there would be nothing, I do mean nothing, that would stop us from getting to home base!!! Even with instructions, I would be his study partner on all of his assignments. I would be willing to make all of his homework fun so he can be the Teacher’s Pet in class and mine at home!!!


Ryan Seacrest flops!
July 21st, 2011 under American Idol 9+, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Seacrest has been a success at almost everything he has done, but his latest attempt for something new turned out to be a big flop. The American Idol host took a break from work and tried to have some fun. And what better way to have some fun than to do a Slip’n’Slide! Well turns out he was a major flop at it, a major belly flop that is! That looks like it really hurt and he says it did!!!
Since Ryan doesn’t really have time for fun, he went to the park and hurt himself for a good cause. He is promoting Coca Cola’s “Vote for Your Favorite Park.” They are encouraging people to go out and play in their local parks this summer. It is a great free way to enjoy the sun and get some exercise.
To see him crash and burn, watch the video below!


Jeremy Piven splits during an interview with David Letterman!
July 21st, 2011 under David Letterman, Jeremy Piven. [ Comments: none ]

Jeremy Piven was on The Late Show and he told David Letterman he used to dance “The Worm” in the late ’80s when he had his original full head of hair. Well I added the last part! Anyways the CBS host told him to show him his move to him and he said he had to warm up. Well the Entourage star stood up and then he did a split. I am a girl and even I don’t know how he did it? I mean does he have such small balls and a bat that that didn’t hurt him. You know the expression that the bigger the d!ck a man appears to be, the smaller his d!ck really is? Well I am wondering if that is the case because he does such a good job playing Ari Gold.


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