Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » April
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The cutest dog in this galaxy and one far, far away!!!
April 22nd, 2011 under Animals, Zachary Levi. [ Comments: none ]

Zachary Levi Tweeted the above picture and said, “You’d rather kiss a Wookie? I can arrange that.” After seeing the Yorkshire Terrier mix looking like Chewbacca from Star Wars, I would rather be kissed by that dog than the Chuck star. No offense to Zach, but I just want to be Tangled up in the pup’s fur and not in a sick way…you pervs! Granted if given the chance, I wouldn’t say no to Chuck Bartowski. I can’t think of many people that would!
BTW I wonder how many Star Wars fans are going to get Yorkies just so they can copy that look on their own dog? I mean they can have their version of a real life Wookiee!


Mary McCormack’s real life baby bump will be In Plain Sight on the show!
April 22nd, 2011 under USA Network. [ Comments: none ]

Mary McCormack is pregnant with her third child, and her In Plain Sight character Mary Shannon will be pregnant with her first child. USA announced both pregnancies today and said that during the fourth season of the show “we’ll see how Mary’s pregnancy will affect her job, her complex relationships with her partner, her sister and ultimately, with the father of her child — which is the big reveal.” I can’t wait to see who the baby daddy is because she broke up with Giles Marini’s character last season and Steven Weber’s character is in a different city than her, so I wonder who the lucky man will be. I am hoping it that it is her partner Marshall’s largely because I want to see Fred Weller shirtless in a sex scene. Well that and I love the chemistry between the two of them, so how much fun would it be if she got pregnant from a drunken night with him?
What I am also loving is the fourth season of the show that premieres on USA next Friday at 10p! I have seen the first two episodes and I didn’t realize how much I missed this show until I watched them. It is just that good!!!


Christoph Waltz is killing it as a judge on American Idol!
April 22nd, 2011 under Jimmy Kimmel, Quentin Tarantino. [ Comments: 1 ]

Yesterday Christoph Waltz was on Jimmy Kimmel Live and he shared with the host unaired video of his appearance on American Idol when he judge this season. After you see it, you will understand why the Fox show killed the idea of the fourth judge. Sadly I disagree with their decision because I think he murdered it while he was on the show. Don’t you agree!
BTW if you are a man and you’re going to wear hot pink pants, you better have the package to fill them out like the Oscar winner! He definitely has a gold statue in his pants!!!
Finally who can forget the Inglourious Basterd’s other brilliant performance that was revealed on JKL after the Oscars. If you missed it, here is him doing Der Humpink!!!


Oprah Winfrey says she refuses to help save the Soaps because their time is over
April 22nd, 2011 under Oprah Winfrey, TV Soaps. [ Comments: 2 ]

For some reason people thought that Oprah Winfrey would wave her magic wand and All My Children and One Life to Live would be saved. Oprah has abandoned daytime for cable and it seems like she is now declaring that time of television is dead. She took to YouTube to say Soaps are over just like her daytime show. Just because she deserted Daytime for her OWN network, doesn’t mean the genre is over.
Yes as she said the numbers are down, but all of broadcast is down. During The Cosby Show and Roseanne days the top rated shows on television were getting around 40 million viewers and today American Idol is getting around half that. So does that mean primetime is dead too?
Oprah just because you are leaving daytime television doesn’t mean it is all going to go away too. So I say long live the four remaining soap operas and here’s to praying to that 5th one joins them shortly.
You know, two years ago they said that sitcoms were a dying breed and then Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory resurrected the genre and it can happen for Soaps too!!!


And this is why Lady Gaga should keep her clothes on!
April 22nd, 2011 under Lady Gaga. [ Comments: none ]

Lady Gaga was singing Poker Face in Atlanta and she took off her jacket. What she didn’t account for is that when she stepped on it, it would make her fall on her poker butt. Too bad in all of the angles from the fall in none of them we Can’t Read her Poker Face to see how much pain and embarrassment she was in.
Moral of the story, is if she kept her clothes on she wouldn’t have problems sitting on her butt today!


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