Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Oprah Winfrey says she refuses to help save the Soaps because their time is over
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[ # ] Oprah Winfrey says she refuses to help save the Soaps because their time is over
April 22nd, 2011 under Oprah Winfrey, TV Soaps

For some reason people thought that Oprah Winfrey would wave her magic wand and All My Children and One Life to Live would be saved. Oprah has abandoned daytime for cable and it seems like she is now declaring that time of television is dead. She took to YouTube to say Soaps are over just like her daytime show. Just because she deserted Daytime for her OWN network, doesn’t mean the genre is over.
Yes as she said the numbers are down, but all of broadcast is down. During The Cosby Show and Roseanne days the top rated shows on television were getting around 40 million viewers and today American Idol is getting around half that. So does that mean primetime is dead too?
Oprah just because you are leaving daytime television doesn’t mean it is all going to go away too. So I say long live the four remaining soap operas and here’s to praying to that 5th one joins them shortly.
You know, two years ago they said that sitcoms were a dying breed and then Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory resurrected the genre and it can happen for Soaps too!!!


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