Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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Even Betty White doesn’t know what Community is…
August 24th, 2010 under Betty White, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

So Betty White is going to guest star on the season premiere of NBC’s sitcom Community on September 23rd, but I guess there was a mix up because she thought she was going to be on another show. In fact when they told her what she show was going to be on, she was like Community what is that? Well considering everything she touches turns to gold, I think we will all know what that show is after she appears on it…I think?


Paris Hilton is under wraps!
August 24th, 2010 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

(video via KTLA)

Hey Paris Hilton if you are going to call the cops and tell them that there is a man allegedly carrying knives trying to break in to your place during the morning news hours and then you hear helicopters outside your house; word of advice please don’t go outside in just your towel because that is what will make the news.
For more information on the man who was arrested outside of Paris Hilton’s house this morning check out TMZ!


Tonight is all about Christopher Gorham’s Covert Affairs!
August 24th, 2010 under USA Network. [ Comments: 1 ]

They say love is blind, but on tonight’s Covert Affairs on USA at 10p is all about the loves of the blind CIA Agent Auggie. Christopher Gorham will wow you tonight when Auggie finally goes back in the field after his accident. Only problem is that the person he is sent to get information from his ex-girlfriend. How will she react to her ex and how he will he react to her? Let’s just say the two will go on the run together and both will find their lives in danger. No matter what is thrown at them Auggie tries his best to defend her and not once does Gorham break character. When I say he never breaks character, I mean just like the series so far he plays the role as a man who cannot see. He sincerely has impressed me with what a great job he is doing as Auggie. Not only is he the one impressing me, so is USA’s latest hit that gets better each week just like the show’s ratings.
Oh and the reason why I said loves because Auggie’s ex Natasha isn’t the only woman in his life that he is kissing, but you will have to tune into USA tonight at 10p to find out who is other Covert Affair is with…
That and to hear these brilliant interaction…“It’s like Comic-Con for nerds,” and the response to that is “Isn’t that just Comic-Con?” Anyone who knows anything about Comic-Con knows just how perfect that last line is!


The horror of Better Off Dead!
August 24th, 2010 under 80s. [ Comments: none ]

So the other day I was searching on YouTube for something from Better Off Dead and what I found was this trailer mashup making the ’80s classic comedy into a horror movie. It is really scary (no pun intended…I think) how well it worked! Seriously if they made a horror movie from Better Off Dead, I would not be saying “I want my $2” back.
The only thing missing from that trailer was the snow snorting scene, but other than that it is freaking perfect!!!


Hey Dave Coulier and John Stamos is there something we Oughta Know?
August 24th, 2010 under Do they have something to tell us?, Full House, John Stamos. [ Comments: 1 ]

John Stamos Tweeted this picture with his Full House co-star and said, “@davecoulier makes me laugh harder than anyone-” Looking at John Stamos smiling ear-to-ear as the two of them were in a half hug with the beautiful red roses in the shot, I had to wonder if there was something we Oughta Know? Nah, it is just two long time friends doing a good thing visiting children at the Miller Children’s Hospital in Long Beach. Although for a second how much fun would it be to picture Uncle Jesse and Joey Gladstone being more than just business partners???


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