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Taylor Lautner is faster than a speeding car
June 19th, 2017 under Taylor Lautner. [ Comments: none ]

A post shared by Taylor Lautner (@taylorlautner) on

We know that Taylor Lautner is extremely athletic, but did you know he is as fast as Superman? Case in point, he was waiting for his friend to pick him so that they could drive over to Chipolte together. Only problem is that his friend did not stop.

What to do? You and I would call the cops and tell them that someone was speeding buy our house so that they would get ticket. Not Jacob, he did a run Forrest, run to catch up to his friend and jumped into the moving car. Then he gave his buddy crap for not stopping.

He compared his road runner speed to James Bond, but I felt like he was auditioning to be either the next Flash or Tom Cruise. What do you think?


Andrew Garfield backflips for what Taylor Lautner can do with his mouth
March 1st, 2017 under Andrew Garfield, James Corden, Taylor Lautner, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]
James Corden added a new segment to The Late Late Show yesterday where we get to find out the secret talents of celebrities.

Did you know that Andrew Garfield can do a backflip. Kendall Jenner can sound like how she eats, a bird. Stevie Nicks almost had a landslide of tears after she hit herself in the head with baton after showing us how she can twirl one. Finally, there is Taylor Lautner who can catch a grape in his mouth no matter how far away it is thrown from.

And here we thought we knew their talents, now we know they are more talented then we thought they were. That and why they kept those talents secret.


Taylor Lautner is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!
February 11th, 2017 under Taylor Lautner. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Taylor Lautner’s birthday and his girlfriend Billie Lourd shared this woolderful photo of them wearings onesies. The actor, who is best known for playing a werewolf, was wearing a lamb onesie. Which switches up the Bibical idiom, “A wolf in sheep’s clothing!”


Ellen DeGeneres makes Taylor Lautner’s jeans wet!
October 5th, 2016 under Ellen DeGeneres, Taylor Lautner. [ Comments: none ]

Taylor Lautner was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show today and good thing she hands out free underwear because he needed them. But it was all for a good cause.
She placed him in a booth with several water balloons held over his head with just sticks. Then Ellen and an audience member slowly pulled out those sticks. One by one a balloon filled with freezing cold water rained down on him and he screamed in pain. All so the Daytime talk show and Ulta could donate $10,000 to Breast Cancer research and awareness. Thus, he didn’t mind.


Is Taylor Lautner trying to steal John Stamos’ charmingness?
July 21st, 2016 under Full House, John Stamos, Taylor Lautner. [ Comments: 2 ]

Taylor Lautner and John Stamos are working on Scream Queens together and it looks like they are really getting into their roles. Jacob was seen drilling Uncle Jesse and who knows what he will find in there. Maybe the Twilight werewolf will learn the secret on how to pick up the ladies or how to star in a hit show or two? Or maybe he will find out Stamos doesn’t have a brain? Although I doubt the latter. What do you think he’ll discover?


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