We know that Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake are best friends, but for some reason the singer wrote some theme songs for the man that follows his BFF! That’s right, he is so nsync with Late Night with Seth Meyers that he created a few catchy jingles for him. Then when he was done, he presented it to the host. How did it go? Let’s just say Meyers called security on the new dad. Can’t say I blame him, do you?
Elijah Wood was on Late Night yesterday and Seth Meyers wanted to see what if anything “Would Elijah Wood?” What does that mean? It means the NBC host wanted to know what would he do in a bunch of different scenarios. Sounds boring, but turns out it was a real tongue twister. So much so, both men deserve a medal for getting through it.
See if you can say any part of what they said. If you can’t, then just try to get through my headline.
M Night Shyamalan’s movies are all about the twists and turns out he even has twists when he does talk show interviews. Case in point, he was Late Night with Seth Meyers on Friday and there was a twist at the end of their chat. Did you find it as disappointing as the ones in all of his films since The Sixth Sense or did he finally get another one right? Watch and tell me!
We have seen Neil Patrick Harris do almost everything in the acting world, and Seth Meyers decided to test how well he is at all of them on Late Night. The NBC late host asked the Best Time Ever host to take part in the Actathalon Challenge which is an obstacle course of 10 different acting challenges. Those scenes included war, espionage, romantic comedy and action to name a few. It was the last one that I think was his best performance and that was promoting a bad movie he was in and making it sound great. He really nailed that one, but then again didn’t he have an experience like that when he had to promote Smurfs 2?
So how do I think NPH did in his Actathalon Challenge? He almost made me like again after the Oscars fiasco, and that takes a lot to make me forget about that. How do you think he did?
Donald Trump running for President is a late night host’s fantasy, and yesterday Conan O’Brien, Seth Meyers and Jimmy Fallon showed us how much of a wet dream it is for them. Deviants! Conan came up with a fake ovulating talking stick that looks and sounds like The Donald on his TBS show. Meyers took to his Late Night to go off on the Presidential candidate for 5 and a half minutes. While Fallon dressed up as Trump on The Tonight Show and explained all things that he didn’t mean to say, even though we all know he did.
When it comes to the funniest, hands down that goes to Conan easily. His was also the sickest and most cringeworthy. Then there is Meyers, who is proving once again he is a great replacement for Jon Stewart. His political monologue is well versed and everyone can learn a thing or two from it. Finally, Fallon is the goofiest and that is alright. That is what he is known for and it works.
I love that they are a making a mockery of Trump, I just wish that there were as many people who were actually supporting him. When he announced he was running for President, I thought it was a great joke that kept on giving, but now it scares me how many people are taking him seriously.