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Jerry Seinfeld pops Pop-Tarts and they bite back!
August 21st, 2018 under Seinfeld. [ Comments: none ]

Jerry Seinfeld did an interview with The NY Times and they asked him if he had to ever apologize for a joke. He told them, “Jokes are not real. People assume that when you say something that you believe it. It’s purely comedic invention.” Then he added, “You know, I do this whole bit about Pop-Tarts and how much I love them. I don’t love Pop-Tarts. It’s just funny. It’s funny to say it, so I say it.”

Well, people did not find his Pop-Tarts joke funny, so he had to apologize for his unfunny joke. He wrote, “Just to be clear on the Pop Tarts, I really did love them as a kid. Just not now. But regardless, whatever works for the joke, that’s what I’m going to say. @PopTartsUS.”

Well, the company fought back and said, “I used to like Jerry Seinfeld as a kid. Just not now.” Now that is funny. Seinfeld could learn a thing or two from them.

Let’s be honest, ever since his show ended, he has not been funny. And it is just not about the Pop-Tarts jokes.


Julia Louis-Dreyfus reveals she underwent surgery to fight her cancer
February 14th, 2018 under 80s, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Seinfeld, Sick Bay. [ Comments: 1 ]

Back in September, Julia Louis-Dreyfus shared with all of us that she has breast cancer. Since then she has received chemotherapy to fight it and today she announced that she had an operation. The Emmy winning actress posted the above absolutely gorgeous photo and said, “Hoorah! Great doctors, great results, feeling happy and ready to rock after surgery. Hey cancer, ‘Fuck you!’ Here’s my first post-op photo.”

Cancer might’ve thought it could win, but she is beating the battle and will win the war. You messed with wrong person cancer because she is going to defeat your puny little a$$!


BTWF ads: Jason Alexander for Good & Plenty
February 13th, 2018 under Before They Were Famous, Jason Alexander, Seinfeld. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jason Alexander suffered from shrinkage on Seinfeld, he had a nice supply of Good & Plenty. Except for the hair, he looks the same now as he did when he was 25 in that 1984 commercial.


Is Jerry Seinfeld up for a Seinfeld revival?
February 13th, 2018 under Ellen DeGeneres, Jason Alexander, Seinfeld. [ Comments: none ]

Will & Grace, Roseanne and Murphy Brown all got revivals, and today Ellen DeGeneres asked Jerry Seinfeld on her show if was up for bringing his sitcom back for at least one more season? Can the show about nothing become something again? All he told her in his whiny voice, “It’s possible.” With that the audience went wild and he was never able to say but.

Maybe this will be the push he needs to make it happen. He tells NBC he is in and they will give him a straight-to-series pickup. Only thing is, Julia Louis Dreyfus is still healing from her chemotherapy to fight breast cancer and she still has another season of Veep to shoot. That and have we forgiven Michael Richards for using N-word? Well, at least he has Jason Alexander, so do you need anyone besides those two? Revival on!

Do you want to see more episodes of Seinfeld or are you still pissed off about the painfully awful series finale that was so bad it killed Frank Sinatra?


BTWF ads: Patricia Heaton and Jason Alexander for Pabst Beer
February 5th, 2018 under Before They Were Famous, Jason Alexander, Seinfeld, The Middle. [ Comments: none ]

Before Patricia Heaton was on Everybody Loves Raymond and Jason Alexander was on Seinfeld, two of the biggest sitcoms of the last 25 years; they starred in a Super Bowl commercial together for Pabst Been. Except for the hair, they look the same now as when she was 24 and he was a year younger in that 1983 ad.


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