Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Julia Louis-Dreyfus
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Julia Louis-Dreyfus threw shots at Seth Meyers while Day Drinking
June 12th, 2024 under Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

Seth Meyers and his friend Julia Louis-Dreyfus went Day Drinking, and I am not sure how strong their friendship will be afterward.

I don’t know if the Emmy-winning actress didn’t know what the segment Day Drinking was about, but she wasn’t up for drinking the concoctions the Late Night host made for her. In fact, she spit them out, partly because she didn’t like the taste and also because she was trying to remain classy.

So, when she got upset that she got some Jaggermeister on her shirt, he felt bad. So bad that he let her throw a shot at him. It was so bad that we all felt bad for her.

But not as much as when she missed a particular person’s name when she had to fill in the two blanks for people with three names. I missed it, too, and it hurt. It hurt a lot.

But not as much as my stomach when she played bartender and was forced to make fun of him. She couldn’t stop laughing, and I couldn’t stop laughing with her.

At the end of the day, we were all tired, but no one as much as Meyers. He didn’t even make it home before he needed to take a nap during the day. And he earned it because it is hard to drink by yourself during the day.

Oh, and I loved that she didn’t hesitate to tell Seth that the worst movie she ever made was Troll from 1986. It truly is awful.


BTWF: Julia Louis-Dreyfus in Troll
June 11th, 2024 under Before They Were Famous, Julia Louis-Dreyfus. [ Comments: none ]

Before Julia Louis-Dreyfus was friends with the troll George Costanza on Seinfeld, she was more than friends with an actual Troll. How pretty was the 24-year-old in that 1986 movie?


What is, how well do you know Seinfeld?
May 18th, 2020 under Jason Alexander, Jeopardy, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Seinfeld. [ Comments: none ]

Jeopardy wanted to see how well the contestants know Seinfeld, so they asked them some questions. Well, not Alex Trebeck, but the stars, Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Jason Alexander, themselves.

How well did they do? Of course, they got all the answers correct. I mean, who doesn’t everything about the show that is about nothing.


Did Julia Louis-Dryefus accept Joe Biden’s offer to be his Veep?
April 23rd, 2020 under James Corden, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Politics. [ Comments: none ]

Joe Biden was on The Late Late Show yesterday, and James Corden wanted to know if the presidential candidate knows who is going to be his running mate.

Biden decided to reveal who he wants it to be. We know that he said it is going to be a woman. Is it? His choice is, “Julia Louis-Dreyfus.”

Did actress, who played a vice president, agree to be his Veep? She said, “.@JoeBiden I accept but I’m a completely unqualified tv personality. Are you sure I shouldn’t be president?”

She is right. She would be a great president. I really hope that both of them are being sincere about it because they would be a winning ticket.

Who wouldn’t vote for them?


Julia Louis-Dreyfus doesn’t need no makeup artists
April 8th, 2020 under Julia Louis-Dreyfus. [ Comments: none ]
The Governor of California asked Julia Louis-Dreyfus to do a PSA for him, and of course, she said yes. Since she could not ask her glam squad to come to her, she did her makeup and hair herself.

If she is willing to make that sacrifice to have them stay where they are, then others should do the same.

Stay home, so that she can get her makeup and hair people back. As you can see, it is something she really needs. We must do onto others as we want done onto ourselves.


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