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What is the craziest thing that Samuel L. Jackson has done in a movie?
May 22nd, 2023 under Jennifer Hudson, Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

Samuel L. Jackson has done a lot of crazy things in movies throughout his 50-year career. Today on The Jennifer Hudson Show, she asked him what was the craziest.

Do you think it was from one of his Quentin Tarantino movies? Or how about one of the many, many times he has played Nick Fury? If you thought it was one of those films, you would be wrong. It was actually 1996’s The Long Kiss Goodnight.

In that movie, he and Geena Davis are escaping a shootout in a train station as a grenade is going off. Davis uses her machine gun to shoot out the window so that they can jump down into the ice below. Then, as they freefalling to the ground, she shoots at the ice to break it. And then we see them hit the ice and come up for air.

You would think that director Renny Harlin would have used stunt doubles for his wife and Jackson, but he didn’t. So the two actors were submerged in the freezing cold water to make that scene look realistic.

So they would have to go down into the frozen water, stay there for 5 seconds, come up, run across the ice, and wait in a hot tub so the director could see how it looked.

After the first try, Harlin wasn’t happy. So they did it four more times. By the fifth time, EMS was waiting on standby. And that was a good thing because Jackson woke up in his trailer covered in one of those silver warming blankets after the fifth take.

So you would think after all of that, he would have hated that film. But he loves it so much that it is actually one of his favorites.

It was definitely memorable for him. To see that unforgettable scene, then click here!


Will Samuel L. Jackson curse on Sesame Street?
October 14th, 2022 under Samuel L Jackson, Sesame Street/Muppets. [ Comments: none ]

Samuel L. Jackson is on Sesame Street, and he teaches Abby The Word of the Day.

As soon as I saw that, I got all excited because I was hoping he would teach her his favorite word that rhymes with duck. But sadly, he taught her about belonging. And I probably belong in H-E-Double Hockeysticks because of what I was thinking. And I don’t regret it.

And I am sure the kids’ show doesn’t regret having him and the Aveggies on. How cute is that idea? As cute as Jackson was in his guest appearance.

Someone should do a movie with him where he hosts a children’s show. He is nice when the cameras are rolling, and the Jackson we know when they aren’t.


What are Samuel L. Jackson’s substitute words for Mother F*cker?
March 25th, 2022 under Ellen DeGeneres, Leslie Jones, Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

Samuel L. Jackson likes to use curse words when he acts, especially the phrase Mother F*cker. However, not every channel can air that phrase during the broadcasting of his movies. Therefore, he has to come up with new phrases that are PG for the TV networks that can’t use words like that.

Today when Jackson was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, he told Leslie Jones, who was filling for Ellen, what substitutions he uses MoFo. They are monkey fighter, Marilyn Farmer, and my friend. The latter is the best one because it is like bless your heart.

What do you use for alternatives for curse words?


Santa knows that Samuel L. Jackson being off the naughty words is Pulp Fiction
November 11th, 2020 under Ads, John Travolta, Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: none ]
Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta reunited for a Capital One commercial, and Christmas came early this year for us. I have no idea what was going on, but it brought a smile to my face that I can’t turn upside down. It is the joy that 2020 has been longing for, and we finally got it.

Now, we need someone to give them a holiday movie because Travolta is a natural Santa Claus. It can be an odd couple film like Santa and Krampus, or in Jackson’s case Crapmus. Just one requirement, Quentin Tarantino can’t direct it. It needs to be a comedy and not a bloodfest.


Samuel L. Jackson, the Swearing King, will teach us how to curse in 15 languages
September 15th, 2020 under Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

Samuel L. Jackson is as known for cursing in his movies as much as starring in them. Now, the mother f*cking actor will teach us how to cuss like him. In not one, not two, not three, but 15 different languages.

Since there is always a catch, what is his? He needs 2,500 of us to go to, and make sure we are registered to vote. If you are not, then you can do it via this page. Once you are done with that, then you can make your Vote Plan.

Once enough of do this, then we will be able to swear like a sailor in multiple languages. That is something we are going to need to know how to do on November 3rd when the news declares the winner.

If you want to curse with your winning candidate, then you have to register to vote and actually vote. This way when Donald Trump loses we can call him a 💩 and 🍑🕳️ in many different tongues. If he wins, then we can say 🐂💩 in ways, we never knew we could.

Happy f*cking voting, mother f*ckers!

UPDATE: Want to see his titalacious tutorial, then click here!


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