Seriously? OMG! WTF? » John Travolta
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A mini- Welcome Back, Kotter reunion!
April 19th, 2024 under John Travolta, TNT/TBS/TCM. [ Comments: none ]

Next year will be the 50th anniversary of Welcome Back, Kotter. But we don’t have to wait that long to see a reunion between two of the Swaathogs.

Yesterday, at the TCM Film Festival screening to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Pulp Fiction, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, 70, decided to surprise his friend John Travolta, 70. So when Freddie Washington saw his buddy on the red carpet, he boomed-boomed his way over to Vinnie Barbarino. And it was like no time had passed for the old classmates.

I love moments like this and wish they would happen more often. The only thing that would’ve made their encounter perfect is if Travolta had said, “Up your nose with a rubber hose!” Such a classic line.


Santa Claus is staying alive!
December 14th, 2023 under John Travolta. [ Comments: none ]

Someone at Capitol One had a great idea. They said let’s get John Travolta to dress up as Santa Claus to promote their Quick Silver credit card. But not just any Saint Nick, one who has the Disco Fever.

So they dressed the actor up in a red leather suit, and Kris Kringle has never been more groovy!

And now I want to see the movie Christmas Eve Fever! Who else would boogie on down to the movie theater to see that?


BTWF: John Travolta for Mutual of New York
September 14th, 2023 under Before They Were Famous, John Travolta. [ Comments: none ]

Before John Travolta had a lot of money in Gotti, he needed some from Mutual of New York. He looks the same now as he did when he was 19 in that 1974 commercial.


Imagine Scrubs with John Travolta
February 9th, 2023 under Donald Faison, John Travolta, Zach Braff. [ Comments: none ]

Remember when Scrubs had a musical episode, and they sang Everything Comes Down to Poo? Well, Donald Faison and Zach Braff are still singing together, but they just added a new singman to their duet. That person is John Travolta, and together the three of them are singing the praises of T-Mobile’s home internet.

And now, I want a Scrubs sequel with John Travolta. Who else would watch?


Can John Travolta and Tommy Lee be any cuter?
July 5th, 2022 under John Travolta, Mötley Crüe. [ Comments: none ]

There are many odd friendships in Hollywood, but I think one of the most interesting is Tommy Lee and John Travolta. The two men seem like polar opposites because Lee is an old school Rocker, and I think of Travolta as more a good boy who follows the rules.

They say opposites attract, and this weekend they connected when the actor went to see the drummer do his thing in Florida.

After the show, they took these photos, and I’ve never seen Lee look happier. It is like Lee wishes he could’ve been Vinnie Barbarino back in the day. Can you see it? I can’t unsee it.


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