Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Oliver Hudson
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Don’t let this photo of Oliver Hudson scare you
November 5th, 2020 under Oliver Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

Oliver Hudson shared a terrifying photo of himself, lying in what looks like a hospital bed, getting an ultrasound on his neck. People were worried about his health, and even the media called to check up on him.

Today, he explained that he is OK and that it was just a routine visit. Hudson revealed that he has genetic high cholesterol (342), and he went to make sure that he does not have any plaque in his carotid artery. Just like all of his family has plaques for their acting, and he doesn’t, he doesn’t have any in his neck. Why doesn’t he have any awards? I think he is a good thespian.

Hudson promised to keep giving us updates on his health. I can’t wait to hear about his next prostate exam! Cough Oliver, cough.


Oliver Hudson’s bathroom selfie
June 22nd, 2020 under Oliver Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t think Oliver Hudson understands what bathroom selfies are all about. They are supposed to be sexy, and not 💩ty. As in him taking a 💩. However, the actor gave us one of the latter. That is why we love this little 💩.

Seriously, I don’t understand why no network has ever considered giving Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Oliver Hudson, and Kate Hudson their own show. The four of them are a lovable, goofy family, and that is exactly what the world needs now.


Oliver Hudson had to remind Goldie Hawn who was her worst kiss
May 27th, 2020 under Andy Cohen, Goldie Hawn, Oliver Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

Goldie Hawn and Oliver Hudson were on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen the other night, and the son asked his mom who was her worst onscreen kiss. Before the actress could even answer, Hudson blurted out that it was Woody Allen.

After the actor said that, Hawn said she couldn’t even remember kissing him. That is when her son reminded her, “Remember? He’s like, he closes his mouth. And he’s like, I don’t like to do open-mouth kissing.”

Even after reminding his mom about it, she is asked him, “Are you making that up?” That is how bad their kiss; she blocked it out from her memory.

I guess you can say the play, Everybody Says I Love You, didn’t live up to its title for her.


Oliver Hudson and Jenna Fischer have seen better days
November 14th, 2018 under Better Days, Oliver Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

Oliver Hudson’s face looks Jenna Fischer’s hair, and that is not a good thing. They both look like they went through a car wash without a car and came through the other side worse for wear. Why does his face look like it lost a fight with the brush and her hair the dryer? Are the two co-stars fighting?

They are not, but their characters on Splitting Up Together are. The joys of living on the same property after filing for divorce. He is allergic to dogs, so she got their kids their one. He got revenge on her by changing up the water in her shower. What we got are plenty of chuckles. If you are not watching the ABC sitcom, then you are missing out.


Oliver Hudson’s hip hop dance crew had a scrumptious name!
October 24th, 2018 under Jimmy Kimmel, Oliver Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

Back when Oliver Hudson was a teenager, he and his friends were in a hip hop dance crew. While that is awesome enough, wait until you hear the name he told Jimmy Kimmel they battled under.

They were known as the Rice Krispies. It gets better, their nicknames were Snap, Crackle and Pop. He did not say which one was his, so I am going to say Crackle because he crackles me up!

Now that we know he can do hip hop, there has to be a way for them to incorporate that talent on Splitting Up Together.


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