Jessica Walter tearfully reveals Jeffrey Tambor verbally harassed her |
May 23rd, 2018 under Jason Bateman, Netflix. [ Comments: none ]
The New York Times sat down with Alia Shawkat, Jeffrey Tambor, Tony Hale, Jessica Walter, Will Arnett, Jason Bateman and David Cross to talk about Arrested Development and they got an answer they were never expecting.
Sopan Deb asked Tambor about the report that he yelled at directors and assistant director on the set of Transparent. Several cast members deflected the question, but he did not say anything. Then she reworded it, and asked if someone had that reputation would you hire them. Tambor told her, “I would hire that person if that person said, you know, ‘I’ve reckoned with this.'” Then he added, “And on ‘Transparent,’ you know, I had a temper and I yelled at people and I hurt people’s feelings. And that’s unconscionable, and I’m working on it and I’m going to put that behind me, and I love acting.”
Bateman chimed in and defended his costar, but Walter had enough. You can hear her getting choked up as she interrupted her TV son and said, “Let me just say one thing that I just realized in this conversation. I have to let go of being angry at him. He never crossed the line on our show, with any, you know, sexual whatever. Verbally, yes, he harassed me, but he did apologize. I have to let it go. [Turns to Tambor.] And I have to give you a chance to, you know, for us to be friends again.” Tambor said to her, “Absolutely.”
She was not done and added, “But it’s hard because honestly — Jason says this happens all the time. In like almost 60 years of working, I’ve never had anybody yell at me like that on a set. And it’s hard to deal with, but I’m over it now. I just let it go right here, for The New York Times.” As she finished the last sentence, she was laughing through the tears. The cast responded with laughter, but Bateman took it a step farther when he blurted out, “She did not give it up for anyone else.”
I will get back to Bateman, but let’s start with Tambor. It is never OK to yell at someone like that. The producers should have talked to him about it. If he continued to do it, then they should have fired him. The #MeToo movement has shown us, it is no longer acceptable. Tambor has been acting for over 40 years and how has everyone ignored that behavior? No offense to him, but, to me, he was never a truly a star until Arrested Development. Why did all those other productions put up with his temper until the #MeToo movement? I don’t get it.
My father once did a play with a TV actor, who had just been fired from a show. He was an a$$hole during the play and everyone hated working with him. After that, he got another show. There were rumors the actresses refused to work with him, caused a revolt and he was fired. Shortly afterward, he left showbiz, I am assuming because he was blackballed. That is how it should be. I know how Walter feels because I was once yelled at my job that I had to be taken away from the person yelling at me for my safety. No one should have to deal with that at their job. There is a difference between losing your temper once or twice and losing it all the time. The latter needs to be handled.
Something I am sure Netflix is discussing if there is another season of the sitcom. Why didn’t they handle it when they were filming? I follow some of the actors from the show on Twitter and they started filming before #MeToo was happening. I think they were almost done filming when everything came out about Tambor. Which makes sense why they kept him. It is not like they could do the Kevin Spacey fix like they did in All the Money in the World. I will look away for this season, but I won’t if they keep him.
When it comes to Jason Bateman, he has been acting for over 30 years, and I want to know when it was normal for him to be yelled at on the set? Was it Silver Spoons, The Hogan Family or one of his movies? Did he like it? Would he like them to yell at his sister Justine Bateman like that? Then why would he defend that abusive behavior on a set now? He is the biggest star on the show and his words matter. He needs to defend his costars and not allow it to continue. This does not only pertain to acting, it pertains to all jobs. If you hear something, say something. We cannot let the abusive behavior happen anymore.
Finally, Jessica, I am so sorry you went through this. You are a talented actress who has been doing longer than almost that whole cast has been alive. You deserve respect and people sticking up for you. Not this BS. Know the fans are here for you. If you need us, just ask.
Arrested Development is just as arresting for season 5 |
May 7th, 2018 under Jason Bateman, Netflix. [ Comments: none ]
Remember how mad you were when Fox cancelled Arrested Development back in 2006? Then you got all happy when Netflix revived it back in 2013? Well, mark your calendars because the Bluth family will be back with their 5th season on May 29th. Looks like it will be just as wild and wacky as ever. In other words, it is exactly what we need to start off our summers the day after Memorial Day. That and a Bluth banana stand nearby.
Seth Rogen signs away his life rights to Netflix |
April 1st, 2018 under Netflix, Seth Rogen. [ Comments: none ]
It was recently announced that Seth Rogen was moving his Hilarity for Charity event to Netflix on April 6th, and it turns out that is not all he doing with him then.
He signed a contract giving them everything and I do mean everything. As he says, “If it worked for Adam Sandler, it will work for me. Right? I guess.” Get ready for Rogenflix all the time. If you thought that Stranger Things was the only stranger thing on Netflix, be prepared for it not be anymore. I hope we get a sequel to The Interview out of this deal. How highlarious would that be?
Are we sure that Tony Danza is not Josh Groban’s father? |
March 30th, 2018 under Josh Groban, Netflix, Taxi. [ Comments: none ]

Tony Danza is playing Josh Groban’s father on Netflix’s Good Cop. Yesterday, was their last day filming the cop drama and both men shared this photo. Now that we have seen the two of them together, they really look like father and son. They even have the same eyes. Don’t you think they look related?
Good Cop comes to the streaming service in the fall.
Alexa & Katie is a must watch for parents and their school aged children together |
March 26th, 2018 under Netflix. [ Comments: none ]
Are you a parent and do you have a preteen or teenager in school, then you are going to want to sit down with them and binge Alexa & Katie on Netflix as soon as you can. Kids deal with so many things these days, but there is one thing that they might not able to avoid. That is, what if one of their classmates has cancer? How do you explain to them how to act around that child? This show gives them a good idea, treat them like you always have.
Just as Alexa (Paris Berelc) finished middle school, she found out she has cancer. She spent the summer in the hospital getting chemotherapy to beat it. Now that high school is getting ready to start, she is hoping she gets back to her life as it was. The doctor clears her, but she will have her limits. She wants everything to be as normal as possible, so she does not anyone to know how she spent her summer. She does not want everyone to know she has cancer. It is already a lot for her to go through and she does not everyone whispering about her.
Thankfully she has her best friend and next neighbor Katie (Isabel May) to keep her secret and help her out. These girls do everything together and will do anything for the other one. Therefore, when Alexa’s hair starts to fall out, Katie shaves her hair off in solidarity. Now both bald girls need to go wig shopping before school starts. When one of them cannot afford a nice wig, they both go to the school with bright colored bobs like they are too cool for skool!
Once they get there, there is a rumor that a girl in their class has cancer and no one knows who it is. No one suspects it is Alexa, so she goes on, as life is normal. The only problem is that it is not. When she goes out for basketball tryouts, Katie stops her because it might be too dangerous for her health. Thus, Katie tries out and flips her lid or loses her wig.
Now everyone thinks she is the one that has cancer. She goes along with it to protect her friend. Which is not that hard for Katie because everyone is treating her as though she is special. However, when it becomes too much for her, will it force Alexa to reveal the truth?
Throughout the season, the two girls will deal with the ups and downs of cancer and high school life. There will be dates, school plays, getting in trouble in school, fights, a hospital stay, pranks, parental problems and so much more.
Then there are their parents and siblings. Alexa’s mom (Tiffani-Amber Thiessen) cares about her daughter and will do anything to protect her. She will also fight for her daughter to make sure she gets the best care possible. Her dad (Eddie Shin) is much more carefree but he too will do anything for his daughter. Her older brother (Emery Kelly) is the cool dude who is all about himself and fights with his sister. Then there are the times he is the good guy. I am thinking the latter is why Katie has a crush on him. Now her brother (Finn Carr) on the other hand is a little brat, but you cannot help to think he is so cute even when he gets in trouble for bringing home something he shouldn’t. Katie’s mom (Jolie Jenkins) and her dad are divorced. She is stuck raising the kids on her own. All while holding down a full-time job and going to school. Yet she makes it all work somehow. Just like Katie is there for Alexa and vice versa, her mom is there for Alexa’s parents and vice versa. They are their own family when they really need a family that is sometimes better than the one you have.
Alexa & Katie is a teenage comedy like the ones on Nickelodeon and Disney Channel. Thus, it is something that your kids will enjoy (plus it is safe and you do not have to worry about anything risqué) and you will totally love it too. That when you are done watching the 13 episodes, you can talk about what you just watched. All while laughing with this great cast that looks like they are having a blast while getting an important message out there.
That message is you do not change just because you have cancer. You want to live life as you always have and not have people treat you differently. That is why this show is so important it normalizes the c-word. Being a teenager is hard enough without everyone treating you differently, so you cannot blame Alexa for wanting that. With this sitcom, you get to show your kids that if Gd forbid someone in your kids’ school (or life) gets it, they will know how to treat them. The same way they always have.
Cancer is, unfortunately, part of life, and it is something none of us are taught how to react to. This is a good start to getting that discussion out there. It is much easier than having the talk!
Since it is Spring Break and there is only so much you can do with your kids before you wish you never had them. This is a good 7 hours that will keep y’all busy and civil with each other. Unless they are a talker. Then you are out luck.
Seriously though, I cannot praise Alexa & Katie enough, watch it with your loved ones and see why.
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