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Hey wax figure Mike Strahan, is that a candle in your pocket?
February 22nd, 2016 under In Your Pocket?, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Madame Tussauds, Michael Strahan. [ Comments: none ]

Today on Live with Kelly and Michael, Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan debuted their wax statues.
As I was looking to see who was the real person and which was the life-sized candle, I couldn’t help but to notice the carbon copy of the football player’s goal post. It was standing up taller than an uber fan watching their team score the winning touchdown during the Super Bowl game in the final minute of the fourth quarter. Or maybe the TV host put his microphone in his pocket and it went through the hole in pants and it is just standing there. Or maybe the sculptor made the wax statue as an exact duplicate of the person it is modeled after, and we just never noticed him before now.
What do you think is the explanation for the bulge? Or do you think I need help due to the fact that I noticed that? Because I am starting to lean towards the latter.


Kim Kardashian really needs to wax?
January 20th, 2015 under Madame Tussauds, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian shared a photo of herself in a furkini, and she looks just like a Cavewoman. Like if they were going to make a sequel to the 1981 movie Caveman, she could totally star in it. The best part for her, is that she can play one of the grunters so she wouldn’t even have to talk in the film.
If you’ve never seen Caveman, you have to watch ASAP. It is one of the greatest stories ever told! In fact you can watch it here, if you click here!


Britney Spears’ wax figure looks more real than her!
March 27th, 2013 under Britney Spears, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Britney Spears wax figure was unveiled at Manhattan’s Madame Tussauds and it looks better than the Pop Princess. Most of the time it is the other way around with the life-size candles, but not for her. If only the people who did the statue could do her, she would look like she did before she was Toxic. The song that is…


Rihanna got waxed twice!
November 13th, 2012 under Madame Tussauds, Rihanna. [ Comments: 1 ]

Rihanna not only got a wax statue from Madame Tussauds in Hollywood today, but she also got one in Las Vegas too. Although I am not sure the Vegas one really looks like her to be honest. And when it comes to the LA human sized candle; not only does it look more like the singer, I think it also appears to be less plastic than Robin Antin is looking these days. Or it could just be that picture?


What is better than one Betty White? Two Betty Whites
June 5th, 2012 under Betty White, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet Online
Betty White finally got a wax figure of herself and it desperately needs a nose job. I don’t know if that is it, but something about her life-sized candle makes the Golden Girl look like a witch. They need to fix that ASAP.
BTW Madame Tussauds next time you honor a woman in her 90’s, don’t scare her to the point that she won’t live long enough to leave the ceremony. Especially if it is Hollywood’s treasure Betty White.


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