Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Michael Strahan
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Isabella Strahan is cancer-free!
July 19th, 2024 under Michael Strahan. [ Comments: none ]

Earlier this year, Michael Strahan’s daughter, Isabella, 19, announced that she was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a type of brain tumor. Since then, she has shared her journey to beat it with Good Morning America’s viewers.

Yesterday, she made a big announcement after getting the results of her MRI. “It was a great, great scan,” she said. “Everything was clear. Cancer-free, and everything is great. I don’t have another doctor’s appointment until October.”

Isabella is already planning to go back to college in the Fall!

This is such great news! I love that we have come so far with cancer treatments, and she benefitted from those advancements.


Adam Sandler gave himself a black eye
June 6th, 2022 under Adam Sandler, Michael Strahan. [ Comments: 2 ]

Adam Sandler was on Good Morning America today, and he had a black eye. Before the anchors could start interviewing him about his Netflix movie Hustle which starts streaming on Wednesday, they had to know what happened to him.

In typical Sandler fashion, there is a funny story behind it. The comedian explained that he was sleeping in bed, and the sheets were tucked in too tight. So, he decided to kick the sheets to loosen them up. However, he forgot that his phone was in the middle of the bed. Therefore, when he kicked up the sheet, it caused the phone to go flying and hit him right below his eye. Even though he felt there was blood on his face, he was too tired to do anything about it at that moment.

Sandler doesn’t think it looks cool, but the people on the streets of NYC think it gives him street cred. As a NYer, he is right. It does! That’s how we roll in the City.

Talking about black eyes, Michael Strahan better hope LeBron James doesn’t give him one after this interview. Why? When Sandler told the former football player that he has a similar build as the basketball player and James could’ve played with the pigskin too, the GMA host responded with “No!” And then he added, “But I could’ve played basketball.” Strahan, those are some fighting words, and my money would be on LeBron.


Chandra Wilson addresses if next season is Grey’s Anatomy’s last one?
May 12th, 2022 under Michael Strahan, Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

Chandra Wilson was on Good Morning America today, and Michael Strahan had a very important question for her.

The host wanted to know if the rumors are true that the next season of Grey’s Anatomy will be its last one? The actress told him, “I’m just saying, you don’t know what you are talking about. I’m just going to say, ‘Strahan doesn’t know what he is talking about.”

Then Strahan asked her where she wants her character to go? Wilson says she doesn’t tell the writers what to do because she likes to let them do what they do. In fact, she doesn’t know what they have planned for Miranda Bailey until the table read.

I bet the writers wished that Ellen Pompeo was exactly like Wilson. What you thought the same thing?

Now, let’s talk about how beautiful Wilson looked on GMA. Whoever styled her did a great job because she was slaying it.


Will Michael Strahan going to space send Kelly Ripa’s lid to the moon?
November 23rd, 2021 under Michael Strahan. [ Comments: 2 ]

Michael Strahan had a big announcement today on Good Morning America. On December 9th, he will be traveling to space on Blue Origin.

Just another thing he can add to his varied resume that includes football player, actor, host, and now space traveler.

How did this come about? He covered Jeff Bezos’ inaugural flight, and they asked him if he wanted to do it. What is he going to say no? I wouldn’t. I would jump at the opportunity if I didn’t have to pay for it.

Who else is going to be on the flight with him? Alan Shepard’s, the first man to go to space, daughter Laura Shepard Churchley. They will be joined by Lane and Cameron Bess, who are the first parent and child to go to space at the same time.

Finally, Strahan was offered a stipend, and he is donating to the Boys & Girls Club.


How would The View hosts look with gapped teeth?
June 11th, 2021 under Michael Strahan, The View. [ Comments: none ]

Michael Strahan is as known for his gapped front teeth as all of the jobs he has. So yesterday, when the Good Morning America Host was on The View, he showed the women what they would look if they had a space between their teeth too.

Do you think they look better with or without it?


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