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Is Kirstie Alley really 69?
January 22nd, 2020 under Are they really their age?, Kirstie Alley. [ Comments: none ]

Kirstie Alley shared a makeup-free closeup selfie, and can you believe that she just turned 69? She barely has a wrinkle on her face. Her skin is like that of a woman half her age. I want to know her secret!


Kirstie Alley and John Travolta are pitching a Look Who’s Talking sequel
July 11th, 2019 under John Travolta, Kirstie Alley. [ Comments: none ]

Earlier this week, it was revealed that Hollywood is looking into remaking Look Who’s Talking? I said to my friend, why don’t they just do a sequel with Kirstie Alley and John Travolta’s grandchild as the talking baby?

Well, I am not the only who feels that way. When someone asked the actress if she will be in the reboot, she told them. “No idea.. we’ve tried to do a sequel for years with us as the grand parents..:) 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

What is wrong with Hollywood? I would rather see Look Who’s Talking 4 (even though Abe Vigoda will not be part of it) than a crappy reboot. Wouldn’t you?


BTWF roles: Kirstie Alley on Match Game
October 11th, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kirstie Alley. [ Comments: none ]

Before Kirstie Alley worked with Jamie Lee Curtis on Scream Queens, she was a contestant on Match Game and JLC was a celebrity guest. She looks the same now as she did when she was 28 in that 1979 episode.


Norm and Cliff say Cheers to Kirstie Alley on her weight loss!
January 5th, 2016 under Kirstie Alley, Reunions. [ Comments: none ]
Kirstie Alley is back with Jenny Craig and so far she has lost 50 pounds with the diet program. What better way to celebrate her weight loss, then to do with some old friends. That’s exactly what she did. The formerly Fat Actress reunited with John Ratzenberger and George Wendt at their old haunt where everybody knows their names. Although at Cheers, they know them as Rebecca, Cliff and Norm!
Hopefully NBC will see this commercial and decide it is time for a Cheers reunion!


Did TV Land cancel Kirstie?
July 28th, 2014 under Kirstie Alley, TV Land. [ Comments: none ]

Kirstie Alley returned to television late last year with Cheers co-star Rhea Perlman and Seinfeld actor Michael Richards, and TV Land has yet to say whether the show was picked up or cancelled. Well today, Perlman’s husband, Danny DeVito Tweeted, “Come on they canceled Kirstie! Fools!” Which kind of explains Alley‘s Tweet from earlier in the day, “The first thing to do after you’ve been knocked down is to get up… ALWAYS remember to get up. It’s the only way you can begin anew..:)” TV Land has yet comment either way as of now.
But I wouldn’t blame them if they did because the show was too much and too little at the same time. I tried to like it, but there wasn’t anything there to like about it. Although Perlman was great in her role, but then again what isn’t she good in?


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