Khloe Kardashian is producing a new show on Investigation Discovery called Twisted Sisters and I wonder what drew her to it?
The six-part series tells the story of sisters committed some of the most shocking crimes. Sometimes they worked together, other times they turned on the other one. The investigative series will interview immediate family members and close friends to learn what triggered the sisters’ path towards a life of crime. The show will also talk to investigators to learn more about the crime and how they were able to solve it.
Kardashian was attracted to this show because “These stories of sisterhood gone awry will surprise even the most devout ‘ID addict.’ When choosing the stories, we couldn’t believe how many untold tales there were to tell. As a true-crime fan myself, I am excited to share with viewers a new twist on the term ‘sibling rivalry’,”
I wonder if she is trying to say there is a sibling rivalry between her and her sisters? When it comes to which sister I think she would commit crimes with, I would say Kylie Jenner. When it comes to which one they would conspire against, that has to be Kim Kardashian. What do you think?
Twisted Sisters debuts September 3rd on ID. To read descriptions of the six episodes, then click here!
Kris Jenner was on The Late Late Show yesterday. She asked James Corden during Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts, when is he going to have her son-in-law on the show to do Carpool Karaoke? The CBS late night host told the Momanger, “We’ve tried. He’s cancelled twice, maybe even three times.” It gets worse for Kanye West, “He cancelled once as I was turning the corner to his house.” Why? Because he was not “in the zone for it.”
I guess the rapper felt bad because he sent Corden a flower cube and a pair of Yeezys. I guess the kicks were good enough to win over the Brit because he would still love to have Kanye do the segment. If I were Corden, I would cancel on him when West’s hand hits the door handle.
When it comes to Jenner, she would rather drink a sardine smoothie than divulge which daughter she would kick off of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. When it comes to if she is engaged, we heard crickets. As in her eating one rather than tell us if she is betrothed to Corey Gamble.
Remember a few weeks ago, when Kim Kardashian went to the White House to meet Donald Trump. Well, yesterday she gave all the juicy details about their conversations to Jimmy Kimmel.
She said that when she walked into the Oval Office, her first words to him were, “Holy sh!t, we’re in the f*cking Oval Office.” Keeping it classy, of course. Then the two talked about unfair prison sentences and pardoning Alice Johnson.
A week later, as we know, he pardoned her, and he called Kardashian to tell her the good news. She was at a photoshoot at the time. One, that required her to be naked, of course, and she told them to get a robe. Personally, she would have gotten more out of him if she told him that. We know that is what he likes.
Anyways, she said she was the first one to tell Johnson the news, and they both were crying. Although, she had to hold back the tears because she did not want to ruin her makeup.
Since she gotJohnson freed, she gets a stack of letters from people asking her to help them out.
When it comes to Kanye West’s love for Trump. She explained he liked how he got into office, but he does not follow politics. Maybe if he did, then he would understand why he should change his opinion.
And I just wasted a whole post on this. Previous presidents got the best of the best celebrities to join them at 1600 Penn. This one gets Kimye and that is enough to show how awful this administration is.
Yesterday was finally the night when it was the Kardashians vs the Wests on Celebrity Family Feud. We heard it was good, and I cannot believe I am admitting this, but it really was very good. Kanye West is a fan and it showed. He did not stop smiling from the beginning to the end of the ABC game show. Who knew he knew how to do that?
While it was a close competition, grandma Kardashian helped her family win the night. Khloe Kardashian says that there was a feud between the families; but when it came to Fast Money, they did something only a family would do. Khloe and Kendall Jenner (who gave the best answer of the night) let Kanye and Kim Kardashian play the round even though they lost.
Good thing they did because the first two questions were tailored for Kim. Which was a good thing because she says that she has been practicing for this moment in her bedroom every night. And here we thought she was practicing something else with Kanye in that room?
Anyways, the first question was, “On a scale of 1-10, how sexy are you compared to the people you work with?” Without hesitation, she said 10. And that caused Steve Harvey some hesitation, so he stopped the clock because he was laughing so hard. He laughed even harder when he then asked her, “Name a part of the body you’re always banging into things?” She gave a very Kardashian answer when she said, “butt.” Before it was revealed that no one else had that issue on the board, the game show host could not stop grinning. Especially, when she told him that her a$$ets cause her to knock things down. As if we did not already know that.
Anyways, the married couple got the 200 points needed to win Fast Money, Therefore, both families raised $25,000 for Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, so the hospital is the true winner. Well them and Kanye who had the time of his life.
When it comes to Kendall’s answer, they were asked if you were having a party where everyone is naked, who would you not want to show up? She said, “Donald Trump!” At least someone in that family is smart!
Remember the good old days when Kanye West said, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people,” and then President Barack Obama rightfully called him a “jackass”? Well, his wife Kim Kardashian met with Donald Trump today to talk about prison reform. You read that right and we got a picture as proof that the downfall of America continues under this President.
He said, “Great meeting with @KimKardashian today, talked about prison reform and sentencing.” And she said, “I would like to thank President Trump for his time this afternoon. It is our hope that the President will grant clemency to Ms. Alice Marie Johnson who is serving a life sentence for a first-time, non-violent drug offense. We are optimistic about Ms. Johnson’s future and hopeful that she —and so many like her—will get a second chance at life.”
What do either one of them care about prison reform? Did she forget he fired her sister, Khloe Kardashian, from The Celebrity Apprentice because she was arrested for DUI? Please, this is so sad. You kiss his ass, you get a meeting with him. You actually know about important issues, he has no time for you.
Which seems odd because his desk says that he has all the time in the world because there is nothing on it. Not even a picture of his missing wife or 5 children or his grandchildren. His desk is as empty as Kim Kardashian in general and his promises that don’t come with personal gain to him.