Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kiefer Sutherland
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Was Freddie Prinze Jr joking when he bashed Kiefer Sutherland?
July 28th, 2014 under Freddie Prinze Jr / Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: none ]

Over the weekend Freddie Prinze Jr was interviewed by Jason Nathanson from ABC News at Comic-Con. The two men then talked about Prinze’s past projects and for some reason the actor bashed his former 24 co-star, Kiefer Sutherland. He told the reporter, “I did ’24,’ it was terrible. I hated every moment of it.” Then he added, “Kiefer was the most unprofessional dude in the world. That’s not me talking trash, I’d say it to his face, I think everyone that’s worked with him has said that.” But it didn’t stop there, he then said working with him made him want to stop working in the biz. Which he then explains his post-24 job, “I went and worked for Vince McMahon at the WWE for Christ’s sake and it was a crazier job than working with Kiefer.” He finally concluded his rant with, “But, at least he was cool and tall. I didn’t have to take my shoes off to do scenes with him, which they made me do. Just put the guy on an apple box or don’t hire me next time. You know I’m 6 feet and he’s 5’4.”
So back when I first moved to LA, I had the chance to interview him for a movie junket. Since I was new, I asked him about what it was like to work with his co-star for the film. He told me she was awful and couldn’t stand working with her. Since I was a novice, I was horrified. But when I showed my co-workers the tape, they were like he’s totally joking. Then he hit me that his very dry sense of humor made me believe him, but after I thought about it I knew he was making a funny.
So listen to the Prinze’s interview from this weekend here, and see if you think he really hated working with Sutherland or he was joking with the ABC News reporter. I think he was totally joking with the guy by the sound of his voice and laughter, and Nathanson was totally oblivious to it. I was brand new to Hollywood when I mistook his joke for the truth, what is this guy’s excuse?
I mean listen to Prinze’s interview from 2010 above, and you can tell he is being sincere about Kiefer back then. I honestly think that when Prinze feels he has good rapport with a reporter, he jokes around with them. Only problem is that his humor is so dry, you just don’t know it at the time. I was lucky, I didn’t go to press with my story before I was informed I confused fiction for fact. I wonder when Prinze will come forward, and tell the world he was joking during his interview this weekend. This way, Kiefer doesn’t need to go all Jack Bauer on him.


Jack Bauer and Louie are finally back tonight!
May 5th, 2014 under Fox, FX, Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: none ]

After 4 years of waiting for Jack Bauer’s (Kiefer Sutherland) return, fans of 24 are finally getting what they want tonight at 8p on Fox with the two premiere of 24: Live Another Day.
Since Bauer left our airwaves, he has been off the grid too. But suddenly he surfaces again in London, the same exact time that the President of the United States is there. The CIA thinks he is there to assassinate the POTUS, so are they right? Has Bauer changed that much? You just have to tune in to find out in this 12-hour special event.
We might only be getting a half a day, but we are also getting twice the excitement.

Then at 10p switch the dial over to FX where another fan favorite returns after an extended hiatus. Louis CK is back with Louie, and good things come to those who wait.
At 10p, Louie goes to buy a dildo and winds up hurting his back. Now he has to get an old lady to help him out. And guess what is the best thing for a bad back? The thing that caused his back to go out in the first place.
Then at 10:30p, Jerry Seinfeld asks the comedian to open for him at a benefit in The Hamptons. He says yes, but will quickly wish he didn’t. He bombs so badly, it is painful to watch. But at least he meets model, who wants to has sex with him. Which would be a good thing except it turns into a Sex Sent Me to the ER episode. Who is hospitalized? You just have to tune in to find out and to laugh your a$$ off.


Some shows were picked up for another season, but more were cancelled.
May 9th, 2013 under American Idol 9+, CBS, Kiefer Sutherland, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

Next week the networks will announce their fall lineups, but today they are already saying which shows will be back and which ones won’t. CBS picked up it’s 20th show (which is about as many as NBC cancelled) for next season and that show is Criminal Minds. The CW still feels that Nikita has a fighting chance and The Carrie Diaries is still fashionable for them. NBC voted for another season of Parks and Recreation, but they impeached 1600 Penn, put Up All Night to sleep permanently, decided we don’t want to see any Guys with Kids and finally put Whitney out of our misery. When it comes to Fox, Randy Jackson told E! News that he voted himself off of American Idol after 12 seasons. Fox also decided that Kiefer Sutherland no longer has the Touch for them.
I always hate this time of year, my shows always get the bad news…:(


Touch returns to Fox tonight!
February 8th, 2013 under Fox, Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: none ]

Touch is back for a second season on Fox tonight at 9p and the show has changed things up. This season Martin (Kiefer Sutherland) will not be alone, he will be getting from Amelia’s mom played by Maria Bello. Each week Jake (David Mazouz) will get them closer and closer to her finding her daughter, and in their search they will be helping others. Amelia is alive and we will see what she is going through even though they can’t. Will they find her? We will have to tune in every week to find out.


Two Lost Boys found together!
December 19th, 2012 under Kiefer Sutherland, The Two Coreys. [ Comments: 1 ]

Over a quarter of a century ago Corey Feldman and Kiefer Sutherland filmed a little movie together called Stand By Me, and the latter tormented the first one. Then shortly afterwards they did another movie together called The Lost Boys and the same thing happened, but this time the first guy got a bigger stake in their fight. So it should be no surprise that since those two movies, the two men have not be seen together. That is until yesterday when Ace Merrill and Edgar Frog ran into each other. According to Teddy Duchamp “Lost Boys reunited: after 25 yrs I ran n2 Keifer 2nite! Making this the 1st and only foto ever taken of us off screen!” And then he posted the second picture.
I think these two should meet up more often because the 41 year old Feldman and the 45 year old Sutherland look just like they did when they made those two cult classics back in the mid-80’s! Seriously wouldn’t you like to see them work together again? I know I would!


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