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Kevin Hart suffered ‘major back injuries’ in a car crash
September 1st, 2019 under Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

Kevin Hart and his friends Jared Black and Rebecca Broxterman were driving on the very windy Mullohand Drive around 1a this morning, when they crashed through a fence and landed in ditch 10′ below according to E! News.

According to TMZ, the actor was pulled from the wreckage by someone in his entourage and taken to his house nearby for medical attention. At some point, he and the other male, who was driving and not drinking, were taken to the hospital. It is said that they both suffered “major back injuries.” The woman did not suffer any injuries that required medical attention.

No other information is known at this time. Let’s pray for him and the other male.

Hart bought the 1970 Plymouth Barracuda, that they were in, for his 40th birthday in July.

UPDATE: KNX posted the police report.


Danny DeVito is The Rock!
July 1st, 2019 under Danny DeVito, Jack Black, Kevin Hart, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer is out for Jumanji: The Next Level, and it might be the rare sequel that is better than the first movie.

The first movie was totally game on, and this one look like it will take it to the next level. I mean Danny DeVito as The Rock and Danny Glover as Kevin Hart is brilliant. I was wondering how they were going to top the OG, but it appears that they did. I actually laughed with the trailer, and that is something I rarely do.

I just hope those are not the best scenes. Don’t you hate when editors do that? But it is not about that. It is about going to see Jumanji 2 when it comes out this Christmas.


The Rock got his own category on Jeopardy
June 19th, 2019 under Jeopardy, Kevin Hart, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

Some might say that The Rock getting the Generation award at MTV on Monday night proves that he has truly made it. Not even close. “Mr. Dwayne Johnson” getting his own category on Jeopardy really proves it. How many people can say that? How many people want to say that? Who wouldn’t?

When it comes to the category, it was pretty easy for anyone who is a fan. However, they had a lot of fun with one clue, “In Central Intelligence, Dwayne teamed up to catch a spy with this actor of small stature.” Of course, it is Kevin Hart. You know, as soon as DJ saw this, he cut just that clue out and made it is his ringtone for his best friend. Then he sent it to Hart and was probably like, “You made Jeopardy in a category dedicated just to me, the Scorpion King! You were just a little mention.” The fun DJ is going to have with that! So much!

When it comes to the category, I got all of them right unlike the contestants. How did you do?


Kevin Hart is deathly afraid of rabbits!!!!
May 22nd, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: 1 ]

We all know that Kevin Hart is afraid of everything including his shadow. But is he afraid of sweet rabbits? Yes!

Yesterday, when he was on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon asked him to play Hop Quiz. It is a very easy game to play. You answer a question right, your opponent gets a rabbit to hold. You get it wrong, you get to hold a lovable bunny. Sounds like a game anyone would want to play, because who doesn’t want to hold an awwwwdorable bunny? Kevin Hart is who.

He was able to go three rounds without having Easter on his crotch, but then in the last round, he lost. That meant, he got not one but two Wascally Wabbits of his own. How did he handle it? You can actually see him laying the Cadbury Eggs in his pants if you know what I mean.

I think The Rock needs to do a Safari movie with his BFF and make Hart be responsible to take care of the real lions and tigers and bears, oh my! I would just watch the behind the scenes over and over.

Finally, I have some movies for Hart to watch. There is Rottentail, Kottentail, Night of the Lepus (my favorite of the killer bunny movies), Donnie Darko, Beasterday, Serial Rabbit and Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill!. Someone should him those movies on a private jet when he cannot run away! Would suggesting that make me evil? Not as evil as what Fallon did last night.


Kevin Hart falls on his a$$
May 20th, 2019 under Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

Kevin Hart and Tank had a dance-off and the actor was the butt of all jokes. That is because he slipped on the wet floor and landed on his a$$. Now that we are all laughing our a$$es off, let’s laugh at him being on his a$$.

Is he OK? He went down really hard. He says that he is fine, but he made everyone feel bad and pretended that he hurt his hip. Then again, the 39-year-old had more than a bruised ego because he also said, “When you get older falling down is the scariest shit ever…My life flashed B4 my eyes when I went down 😂😂😂😂😂”

I wonder how much of that life flash was occupied by The Rock. You know no one is enjoying this video more than DJ. Although, we are a close second.

To see the photos that his friends took when he was on the floor, then click here!


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