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Keith Urban responds to Dolly Parton wanting to do a duet with him
February 8th, 2022 under Dolly Parton, Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: 1 ]

Dolly Parton was recently on GMA talking about her cake line with Duncan Hines, and they asked her who she would like to do a duet with.

“Probably any of the good looking ones,” she said. “I love Keith Urban. I’ve always thought he was one of the most talented cutest guys in the World…I love his writing. And I just think he is dear. So I would be happy to make a big old cake for him and spend all afternoon singing songs.”

The word got back to Mr. Nicole Kidmam, and he wrote to Miss Dolly, “Name the time and place
@DollyParton… we’ll be there.” I am surprised that he didn’t just show up at her doorstep as soon as he heard. That is what I would have done if she said she would want to do anything with me. I wouldn’t give her time to change her mind.

Oh, and Parton wants Kidman to know that she is not trying to hit on her husband. Actually, she paid the Oscar nominee a compliment and called her “Jolene.” Hmmm, is that really a compliment???


I guess Kristen Stewart’s dog didn’t like her answer
January 28th, 2022 under Keith & Nicole Urban, Kristen Stewart. [ Comments: none ]

Nicole Kidman was interviewing Kristen Stewart for Variety. The chat between the two potential Oscar nominees was going well until one of Stewart’s dogs decided to chime in. Actually, it barked just as she was talking about a three-headed animal. It is as if the pooch knew she was talking about it. What do you think?


Caesars Palace says Gone Adele, Here Keith Urban
January 26th, 2022 under Adele, Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Adele cancelled her Vegas Residency just hours before it was set to begin. That left Caesars Palace with a huge hole to fill. So they are filling it with Keith Urban.

The Gone Tomorrow (Here Today) singer was already booked to play The Colleseum on Memorial Day Weekend, and now he is adding five more dates to that stop. Those new dates are March 25th, 26th, 30th, and April 1st (my birthday) and 2nd.

Keith Urban astounds audiences with a show designed for The Colosseum, packed with hit songs, explosive showmanship, and signature unpredictability. The shows are a once-in-a-lifetime concert event – an arena-sized production in a theater setting, up close and personal. Keith Urban Live – Las Vegas utilizes The Colosseum’s new general admission capability on the main floor, creating a dynamic and reimagined fan experience for the landmark venue.

Tickets for fan club members go on sale today and for the general public on January 31st. Hopefully, he won’t have problems with the choir, the pool on stage, or whatever else they set up for his show. But those are all rumors.


BTWF: Nicole Kidman in Bush Christmas
December 22nd, 2021 under Before They Were Famous, Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

Before Nicole Kidman was an Oscar winner, she got her start in Bush Christmas. She looks the same now as she did when she was 15 in that 1983 movie.


Is it just me or does Nicole Kidman in Being the Ricardos look like Eric Stoltz in Mask?
December 22nd, 2021 under Keith & Nicole Urban, Lucille Ball. [ Comments: none ]

So yesterday, I decided to watch Being the Ricardos on Prime Video, and I couldn’t get past something. Nicole Kidman’s prosthetics in the movie made her look more like Eric Stoltz playing Rocky Dennis in Mask than Lucille Ball. So much so, I spent most of my time listening to the movie as compared to watching it. Do you see it too?


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