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Jimmy Kimmel asked Pedro Pascal if Mister Fantastic’s penis stretches too?
March 25th, 2025 under Jimmy Kimmel, Pedro Pascal. [ Comments: none ]

Pedro Pascal was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday, and it was one of the host’s best interviews in a while. As in, I actually watched it all the way through and have a lot of good tidbits to write about.

Kimmel’s first question was about the actor’s coffee drink. Does he really have six shots of espresso in his coffee? The answer is yes. It used to be four, but the cups got bigger, and the shots got weaker, so that is why he upped the game.

What does he get from all of that caffeine? He says, “You get really high, and you answer emails and stuff.” Can you imagine how fast he types? And how nonsensical his emails sound?

Then they talked about his family. He has 34 first cousins, and Kimmel wanted to know if he could name them all. He got up to 23! Which would have been more impressive if we hadn’t known how caffeinated he was. I could probably name all of my third grade classmates if I drank that more espresso.

Then, it was time for The Last of Us questions! Pascal will share spoilers with his Uber driver, so if you want to know what is going to happen this season, pretend to be an Uber driver and kidnap him. Well, maybe not kidnap him.

Even though he was not going to spoil this season, he did wind up doing just that. “Everything turns out fine,” he told Kimmel. “It is a completely different show this season. Catherine O’Hara is in it. It’s funny. And everything’s fine.” Is it? We will find out on April 13th.

Finally, it was time to talk about The Fantastic Four: First Steps. Kimmel wanted to know “if all of Mister Fantastic’s body parts stretch?” After a few seconds, with a big smile on his face, he said, “Everything has to stretch!” So there you have it!

Although, doesn’t the penis stretch for most men, especially the ones on Viagra?

One last note. Kimmel did mispronounce his name. Whoopsie.


Did Joel McHale have the longest talk show entrance?
March 12th, 2025 under Jimmy Kimmel, Joel McHale. [ Comments: none ]

Joel McHale was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote tomorrow’s season finale of Animal Control on Fox, and boy, did he make an entrance.

He came out and hugged Kimmel. That is where most entrances end. But it didn’t. He then walked over to the audience to say a quick hi to his mom, who was sitting there to celebrate her 80th birthday.

So, now will he go sit down? Nope. The host told him he forgot to put his arms around Guillermo. Off he went to right a wrong. And he kept going, hugging all of the band and crew who were on the stage.

After around 90 seconds, there was no one left to hug. Finally, the interview began. And we got to meet McHale’s mom, who looks familiar, but I can’t place where I have seen her.

When it was all done, the Community star was not done with his hug-a-thon. Therefore, he went out to Hollywood Blvd. and hugged everyone in the community. Rumor has it he is still there.


Jimmy Kimmel finds a love match for Oscar the Grouch
February 14th, 2025 under Jimmy Kimmel, Sesame Street/Muppets. [ Comments: none ]

Sesame Street is celebrating its 55th anniversary, so they have something to celebrate. Who would be the best resident to promote the children’s education program? Oscar the Grouch, of course. And they sent him to Jimmy Kimmel Live. Well, actually, they sent Kimmel, his happy cousin Mickey, and her mom Aunt Chippy.

And that’s when things get interesting…

Aunt Chippy has been single for a long time, which is probably she is so grumpy. Kimmel wants her to find her soulmate, so he got her on The Golden Bachelor as a contestant. However, she slept through the Rose Ceremony and was eliminated on the first night.

Even though that didn’t work out, the host didn’t give up. So tonight, he set the Green Meanie up with the White Whiner, and it was love at first sight.

Their connection was so immediate that I will not trash their love. And just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Jimmy has been an asshole to his amazing Aunt for decades, so it was nice to see him finally do something nice for her, finally. Hopefully, the tides have turned in their relationship, and Aunt Chippy will find a special job for her nephew at her wedding to Oscar the Grouch. I also hope that Jimmy Kimmel Live airs their nuptials for all of us to enjoy!


What name does Cher have on her driver’s license?
January 8th, 2025 under Cher, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Cher was born as Cheryl Sarkisian, but we only know her as Cher. So, have you ever wondered what name she has on her driver’s license, even though she hasn’t driven in a long time?

That was something that Jimmy Kimmel pondered, so he asked the legendary on his show yesterday if her last name is on her DL. She told him, “I don’t have a last name.”

Cher then explained that it was not easy to get that done. She had to prove that people would only know her as Cher. I agreed with Kimmel on this one; you would think all she would have to do is walk in, and they would be like Cher. But it was not that easy.

Then I agreed with her when Kimmel kept asking her random questions, and she told him, “This is stupid!” Gd, I love her!

Back to her being able to only go by one name, who else do you think who could do that? I say Madonna, Prince, Beyoncé, Bono, Adele and Zendaya.


Chris Martin and Dick Van Dyke’s duet gets All My Love
December 6th, 2024 under Dick Van Dyke, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Chris Martin has been a fan of Dick Van Dyke since the first time he saw Mary Poppins. So, when the singer saw the actor, he invited him over to hang with him and his kids! And the actor accepted. From that moment on, they have had a sweet friendship!

One that led to Martin asking DVD to be in the music video for Coldplay’s new single All My Love. He said yes.

Spike Jonze offered to direct what turned out to be a living memorial for Van Dyke. They showed pictures and videos from his past, his whole family celebrating his 99th birthday early, and the beloved star singing and dancing with Martin.

It is a sweet tribute to one of the most loved people in the world for obvious reasons.

Gd bless him. He is still so with it and is just over a year away from turning 100.

The duo were coupled on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday. To hear the interview, then click here!


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