Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Fallon
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I think The Tonight Show staff might be mad at Jimmy Fallon
June 25th, 2019 under Chrissy Teigen, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Anyone, who watches The Tonight Show, knows that Jimmy Fallon is not, how do you put this nicely, the bravest of men. He is scared of all types of creatures, big and small.

A few months ago, the show added a new game called Can You Feel It. It is a simple game, where the NBC host or his guest stand behind a fish tank with a mystery item in it. They have to put their hands inside of it to find out what it is.

Normally, it is stuff like fake snakes, but yesterday they changed it up. They gave him a live lungfish (no one knows what it is) and crawling cockroaches. Which makes you wonder, what did he to his staff that they are finding ways to torture him on camera? It had to be something.

When it comes to Chrissy Teigen, she had the best line of the night. She said to him, “Once you feel the top, you will want to go down.” I wonder if she has used the line before… I have!


Selena Gomez and Jimmy Fallon can’t handle the heat!
June 12th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Sean Evans Hot Ones, Selena Gomez. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever seen Hot Ones on YouTube? Sean Evans interviews celebrities as they eat wings with hot sauce. With each question, the peppers get hotter and hotter. At first, they are bearable, but by the end they have tears coming from their eyes, sweat pouring out of every pore and their faces are hotter than the sauce they just inhaled. Why? Who cares, sadists like me love it.

Since I cannot sit through anything that is over 10 minutes long, I skip to the good part. The end when they have reached the hottest bottle. Yesterday, Evans brought his show to The Tonight Show, and his guests were Jimmy Fallon and Selena Gomez.

As we know the NBC late night host cannot handle any pain, he was crying after the second wing. By the time he got to the end, he was dancing like a potty trained toddler who really has to go #2 but cannot to do it in their new underwear because mommy and daddy will yell at them. Gomez did a little better, but not by much.

Total wimps.


Are you a sucker for this version of the Jonas Brothers’ song?
June 11th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

We are all becoming suckers again for the Jonas Brothers thanks to their first new album in a decade. The first song off their album, Happiness Begins, is already climbing the charts.

Jimmy Fallon decided to give it a new sound with some classroom instruments and The Roots yesterday on The Tonight Show. When they were done, I was even more of a sucker for Sucker. You can say I am no longer chasing happiness because I found it.


What does Harrison Ford think of Mark Hamill’s impression of him?
May 27th, 2019 under Harrison Ford, Jimmy Fallon, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

For over 43 years, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill have worked together, so they probably know each other well by now. They do.

When Luke Skywalker was on Late Night with Seth Meyers, he did a spot-on impression of his co-star. While I thought it was perfect, what does Ford think of his friend doing him? The other night when Han Solo was on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon asked him just that.

When you watched him watching the playback video, you would think he hated it. Then after he put some thought into it, he said, “That’s me.”

I will never understand why Ford does not do comedies because his deadpan humor is so funny. Maybe he can do one with David Duchovny because they are both masters of that genre of comedy.


Kevin Hart is deathly afraid of rabbits!!!!
May 22nd, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: 1 ]

We all know that Kevin Hart is afraid of everything including his shadow. But is he afraid of sweet rabbits? Yes!

Yesterday, when he was on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon asked him to play Hop Quiz. It is a very easy game to play. You answer a question right, your opponent gets a rabbit to hold. You get it wrong, you get to hold a lovable bunny. Sounds like a game anyone would want to play, because who doesn’t want to hold an awwwwdorable bunny? Kevin Hart is who.

He was able to go three rounds without having Easter on his crotch, but then in the last round, he lost. That meant, he got not one but two Wascally Wabbits of his own. How did he handle it? You can actually see him laying the Cadbury Eggs in his pants if you know what I mean.

I think The Rock needs to do a Safari movie with his BFF and make Hart be responsible to take care of the real lions and tigers and bears, oh my! I would just watch the behind the scenes over and over.

Finally, I have some movies for Hart to watch. There is Rottentail, Kottentail, Night of the Lepus (my favorite of the killer bunny movies), Donnie Darko, Beasterday, Serial Rabbit and Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill!. Someone should him those movies on a private jet when he cannot run away! Would suggesting that make me evil? Not as evil as what Fallon did last night.


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