Jerry O’Connell was on Late Night yesterday and Jimmy Fallon challenged him to play Beer Shuffleboard. The fat kid from Stand By Me downed a full mug of beer with one gulp before the game even started and then let out a burp so loud it felt like a minor earthquake. Rebecca Romijn must be so proud of her husband. Can you believe after that that she gave up being married to John Stamos to be married to him. Actually she is lucky a woman because he is a really nice guy, just wouldn’t want to be around him when he burps.
BTW the NBC late night host also tried to down the beer in one chug and he barely made halfway down the mug. So even though they tied in the game, the guy who lost his pen!s in Piranha 3D won the night! So drink mother f*cker, drink mother d*cker, drink!
(photos from Us Weekly and WireImage)
Twenty-five years ago Rob Reiner made a little film called Stand By Me narrated by Richard Dreyfuss with 4 virtually unknown actors (Wil Wheaton, Jerry O’Connell, Corey Feldman, and the late River Phoenix) and this week the 4 actors stood by the director and got to together to honor that big anniversary.
Can you believe that timeless movie was made in 1984 and how much the cast has changed? Wheaton, 37, is now a blogging visionary, O’Connell, 37, is no longer the fat kid from Stand By Me and Feldman, 39, is now as much a musician as an actor? I wonder if they knew back then that some of what was said at the ending of the movie would kind of mirror how their lives would turn out? Wheaton is the writer, O’Connell has been steadily acting, Feldman had his issues and Phoenix would be the first one to die out of the four?
OK enough sadness, don’t they all look wonderful? I so loved Stand By Me back when I was kid and now again and again as an adult.
Two and a Half Men’s future is in questions, so CBS is looking at its options. One of the options is to replace Charlie Sheen and Jerry O’Connell’s secret audition was leaked on Funny Or Die.
Maybe CBS should just give the role to Rebecca Romijn since her current husband (Jerry) and her ex-husband, John Stamos are both the front runners for the role. Heck what about a sitcom with the three of them to replace 2.5 and call it One and Half Marriages?
Yesterday Jerry O’Connell was on Jimmy Kimmel Live to talk about his absolutely amazing performance in Piranha 3D, but before he talked about the fun and scary movie he talked about what a fun and scary dad he is. I have never heard a dad talk about his babies like that and I wish more fathers were like him. I am not saying what he did to his daughter at the end of the clip was the right thing to do, but how many people say that is what they are going do and would never have the balls to do it. Well as you will see in P3D, he definitely has the big bat and balls to do it!!! BTW if any parents group go after, get a life before you do. He didn’t do anything that bad!
Listening to him talk about his two year old twins, I think he is great dad who really loves little girls. And I hope for their sake someone erases this interview from their collection because I’m not sure they will want to see what he has said about them.
So you know that video of a wedding DJ using a woman’s breasts as drums? Well FunnyorDie recreated it with Jerry O’Connell playing with his wife’s twin girls. Not the ones they had together, but the ones that lead Rebecca Romijn and him to have them. Watch the video all the way through and see if you, “Can you feel it coming in the air tonight,” what is going to happen to actor who dropped out of law school to pay a lawyer on TV. Oh Lord, oh Lord.
Too bad she still isn’t married to John Stamos because he really plays the drums and he would know how to play with her girls properly! BTW John Stamos if you want to recreate the video with me, I am more than willing and able to be your drum set!!!