Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Would you want Jerry O’Connell as your dad?
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[ # ] Would you want Jerry O’Connell as your dad?
August 19th, 2010 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn

Yesterday Jerry O’Connell was on Jimmy Kimmel Live to talk about his absolutely amazing performance in Piranha 3D, but before he talked about the fun and scary movie he talked about what a fun and scary dad he is. I have never heard a dad talk about his babies like that and I wish more fathers were like him. I am not saying what he did to his daughter at the end of the clip was the right thing to do, but how many people say that is what they are going do and would never have the balls to do it. Well as you will see in P3D, he definitely has the big bat and balls to do it!!! BTW if any parents group go after, get a life before you do. He didn’t do anything that bad!
Listening to him talk about his two year old twins, I think he is great dad who really loves little girls. And I hope for their sake someone erases this interview from their collection because I’m not sure they will want to see what he has said about them.


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