Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jason Bateman
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Look, it is the Teen Wolves as middle-aged men!
May 6th, 2024 under Jason Bateman, Michael J Fox. [ Comments: none ]

In the mid-’80s, we were introduced to Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf Too. However, we never saw the two Wolves together.

That was then. This weekend, Greg Wyshynski, Senior NHL Writer at ESPN, noticed that Michael J. Fox and Jason Bateman were sitting together at the NY Rangers playoff game. And Bateman is looking more like Werewolf now, than he did in the 1987 film.

While their characters never met, the two of them have been friends for decades. That is because they share a sister. Jason and Justine Bateman are biological siblings, and she played Fox’s sister on Family Ties for most of the ’80s. So that makes them brothers. Right?

Now that we have seen them together, I want Teen Wolf Three! Since the Wolves were cousins, that means it is hereditary. So the sequel could be with their sons starting to turn into Wolves for the first time.


What does the J.J. stand for in J.J. Abrams?
August 6th, 2021 under Jason Bateman, JJ Abrams, Sean Hayes, Will Arnett. [ Comments: none ]

Have you wondered what the J and the J in J.J. Abrams stands for? We are not alone. Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes also wanted to know. So they asked him when he was on their podcast, Smartless.

Enough backstory, the moment of truth is here. His name is Jeffrey Jacob Abrams.

How does it feel to finally have a J.J. Abrams mystery solved? If only we could do that with hie show Lost too. I still don’t know what happened after all of these years.


Nathan Fillion pretended to be Jason Bateman to get out of a ticket
January 8th, 2021 under Jason Bateman, Kelly Clarkson, Nathan Fillion. [ Comments: none ]

Nathan Fillion was on The Kelly Clarkson Show, and he told her a story about a time he got pulled over by a cop for speeding.

When the cop asked the actor if he knew why he was pulled over, Fillion admitted it was for speeding. Then the Rookie star told the officer that he accidentally left his wallet home. The policeman said he knew who he was. Therefore, he would give him a warning if he gave his wife an autograph. Of course, he agreed. As Fillion was writing out the autograph, he overheard the cop tell his wife he pulled over Jason Bateman. The actor did what anyone would do; he signed it with Bateman’s name.

Let’s hope he doesn’t make like Bateman’s show title and get an Arrested Development over this confession.


Jason Bateman apologizes for how he handled Jessica Walter’s revelation
May 24th, 2018 under Jason Bateman. [ Comments: none ]
The New York Times did an explosive interview and it had nothing to do with Donald Trump. Instead, it was with the cast of Arrested Development. The reporter asked Jeffrey Tambor if the report is true that he yelled at directors and assistant directors on the set of Transparent and the male cast jumped to his defense.

Then Jessica Walter choked up as she revealed that she has never been yelled at by anyone in her nearly 60-year career as she has been yelled at by her TV husband. Instead of the cast rallying around her, they seemed to support the man that caused her such anguish.

People were upset with how Jason Bateman handled the situation because he is such a beloved actor; so today he apologized on Twitter. He tweeted, “Based on listening to the NYT interview and hearing people’s thoughts online, I realize that I was wrong here. I sound like I’m condoning yelling at work. I do not. It sounds like I’m excusing Jeffery. I do not. It sounds like I’m insensitive to Jessica. I am not.

“In fact, I’m horrified that I wasn’t more aware of how this incident affected her. I was so eager to let Jeffrey know that he was supported in his attempt to learn, grow and apologize that I completely underestimated the feelings of the victim, another person I deeply love – and she was sitting right there!

“I’m incredibly embarrassed and deeply sorry to have done that to Jessica. This is a big learning moment for me. I shouldn’t have tried so hard to mansplain, or fix a fight, or make everything okay. I should’ve focused more on what the most important part of it all is – there’s never any excuse for abuse, in any form, from any gender. And, the victim’s voice needs to be heard and respected. Period. I didn’t say that and instead said a bunch of other stuff and not very well. I deeply, and sincerely, apologize.”

Apology accepted and I should not have jumped on him the way I did. Sometimes, when we are not prepared for a revelation like the one that Jessica Walter gave, we might act like Bateman did. Now, that he has had time to assess the situation, it is time for him to make a difference and support his costar.


Jessica Walter tearfully reveals Jeffrey Tambor verbally harassed her
May 23rd, 2018 under Jason Bateman, Netflix. [ Comments: none ]
The New York Times sat down with Alia Shawkat, Jeffrey Tambor, Tony Hale, Jessica Walter, Will Arnett, Jason Bateman and David Cross to talk about Arrested Development and they got an answer they were never expecting.

Sopan Deb asked Tambor about the report that he yelled at directors and assistant director on the set of Transparent. Several cast members deflected the question, but he did not say anything. Then she reworded it, and asked if someone had that reputation would you hire them. Tambor told her, “I would hire that person if that person said, you know, ‘I’ve reckoned with this.'” Then he added, “And on ‘Transparent,’ you know, I had a temper and I yelled at people and I hurt people’s feelings. And that’s unconscionable, and I’m working on it and I’m going to put that behind me, and I love acting.”

Bateman chimed in and defended his costar, but Walter had enough. You can hear her getting choked up as she interrupted her TV son and said, “Let me just say one thing that I just realized in this conversation. I have to let go of being angry at him. He never crossed the line on our show, with any, you know, sexual whatever. Verbally, yes, he harassed me, but he did apologize. I have to let it go. [Turns to Tambor.] And I have to give you a chance to, you know, for us to be friends again.” Tambor said to her, “Absolutely.”

She was not done and added, “But it’s hard because honestly — Jason says this happens all the time. In like almost 60 years of working, I’ve never had anybody yell at me like that on a set. And it’s hard to deal with, but I’m over it now. I just let it go right here, for The New York Times.” As she finished the last sentence, she was laughing through the tears. The cast responded with laughter, but Bateman took it a step farther when he blurted out, “She did not give it up for anyone else.”

I will get back to Bateman, but let’s start with Tambor. It is never OK to yell at someone like that. The producers should have talked to him about it. If he continued to do it, then they should have fired him. The #MeToo movement has shown us, it is no longer acceptable. Tambor has been acting for over 40 years and how has everyone ignored that behavior? No offense to him, but, to me, he was never a truly a star until Arrested Development. Why did all those other productions put up with his temper until the #MeToo movement? I don’t get it.

My father once did a play with a TV actor, who had just been fired from a show. He was an a$$hole during the play and everyone hated working with him. After that, he got another show. There were rumors the actresses refused to work with him, caused a revolt and he was fired. Shortly afterward, he left showbiz, I am assuming because he was blackballed. That is how it should be. I know how Walter feels because I was once yelled at my job that I had to be taken away from the person yelling at me for my safety. No one should have to deal with that at their job. There is a difference between losing your temper once or twice and losing it all the time. The latter needs to be handled.

Something I am sure Netflix is discussing if there is another season of the sitcom. Why didn’t they handle it when they were filming? I follow some of the actors from the show on Twitter and they started filming before #MeToo was happening. I think they were almost done filming when everything came out about Tambor. Which makes sense why they kept him. It is not like they could do the Kevin Spacey fix like they did in All the Money in the World. I will look away for this season, but I won’t if they keep him.

When it comes to Jason Bateman, he has been acting for over 30 years, and I want to know when it was normal for him to be yelled at on the set? Was it Silver Spoons, The Hogan Family or one of his movies? Did he like it? Would he like them to yell at his sister Justine Bateman like that? Then why would he defend that abusive behavior on a set now? He is the biggest star on the show and his words matter. He needs to defend his costars and not allow it to continue. This does not only pertain to acting, it pertains to all jobs. If you hear something, say something. We cannot let the abusive behavior happen anymore.

Finally, Jessica, I am so sorry you went through this. You are a talented actress who has been doing longer than almost that whole cast has been alive. You deserve respect and people sticking up for you. Not this BS. Know the fans are here for you. If you need us, just ask.


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