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The Friday funnies are back on Fox and ABC tonight
October 5th, 2018 under ABC, Fox. [ Comments: none ]
ABC cancelled Last Man Standing and Fox brought it back from the dead. Much to the delight of their fans because more people tuned in to the show on its new home. Tonight at 8p, they lose another cast member and this one will not be recast.

That is because Mike’s (Tim Allen) father passed away, much to his delight because he hated his father, so he cannot wait to get rid of all of his stuff. Things like his dad’s pot dispensary Bud’s Bud. He wants to sell it, but Kristin (Amanda Fuller) and her husband (Jordan Masterson) want to run it. What will he do?

Also on the episode, Kyle (Christoph Sanders) gets a new job in corporate and Mandy (Molly McCook) gives him a makeover that will make him a laughing stock to everyone but his wife.

Side note, still don’t like the new Mandy (and never liked the new Kristin), but I still love the show.

Then at 8:30p, it is time to party on The Cool Kids. It is Margaret’s (Vicki Lawrence) birthday. Not just any birthday, but her 65th.

Since she is having a hard time with becoming a senior citizen, Hank (David Alan Grier), Charlie (Martin Mull) and Sid (Leslie Jordan) decide to take her to a young people’s club. Can this oldies but goodies still party like when they did 40 years ago?

You do not want to miss this instant classic with classic sitcom stars to find out!

Over at 8p but on ABC, Fresh Off the Boat is back. Someone is leaving the show and another person is joining it.

Honey (Chelsey Crisp) is going to have her baby while Jessica (Constance Wu) gives birth to hers. Not a fourth child but her book is finally out. Will it be a hit?

Meanwhile, Louis buys an RV, from a famous basketball player, and wants to take his family on a road trip. What could go wrong?

While the three boys are getting older, the show is not getting old. You can say it is like it is still fresh off of the boat.

Then at 8:30p not only is Speechless on a new night but the DiMeos are out of their house. They have nowhere to go, so Kenneth (Cedric Yarbrough) says they can live with him.

A month goes by and the 6 of them are still living together. Jimmy (John Ross Bowie) and Maya (Minnie Driver) know they cannot stay there forever, so she decides to cross the pond and ask her dad (John Cleese) for the money.

Maya has not seen her father in decades and they are not close to put it mildly. He is a grumpy old man and Maya will do anything to get the money from him. Even pretend that she likes him. Will it work?

You don’t want to miss a single second from this two-part season premiere that shows us London and a lot of laughs!


Maybe Clayne Crawford was not the problem?
October 3rd, 2018 under Fox, Wayans Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

Electronic Urban Report went to interview Damon Wayans about Lethal Weapon and he gave them an exclusive they were not expecting. He told them he was quitting the show in December at the end of the 13th episode.

The 58-year-old diabetic, who says he works 16-hour days, explained, “It’s hard for me to play this loving, supportive father/husband/friend on TV, but be the guy in life that is telling everyone, I can’t I have to work.”

What is next for him? He says he wants to return to the stage to find his “smile again.” Something that was missing from his face during the interview.

Wayans is the second lead to leave the show in the last six months. Clayne Crawford was fired back in May over abusive claims by Wayans. Therefore they brought in Seann William Scott to replace him. Now, I am sure Fox is debating whether or not to replace Wayans or end the show. Considering last night’s numbers, I have a feeling both The Gifted and Lethal Weapon will end their runs in January. Although, I am sure the network has not decided their fates just yet. But without Riggs and Murtaugh is it really Lethal Weapon? I do not think so.

What I do think is Fox is kicking themselves for cancelling Lucifer, The Last Man on Earth and The Mick. At least those actors get along and don’t quit the show. Maybe they can get the sitcoms back? But that is just me wanting those show back.


Day 6 of the fall season
September 30th, 2018 under CBS, Fox, Seth MacFarlane, The Simpsons. [ Comments: none ]
The Simpsons turn the big 3-0 tonight at 8p on Fox. In honor of the milestone, they do a couch gag that shows an iconic scene from all 30 seasons. It will remind how great this show has been during all of these decades.

Now it is time to talk about the episode. Bart gets into a really bad accident, says that he died and came back. His story gets out there and a Christain film company wants to do a movie about his experience. Homer and Flanders produce the film that will either star Gal Gadot or Emily Deschanel as Marge Simpson. Can this biopic get made without any complications? Of course not which is why we love this animated sitcom so much.

Then at 8:30p, Bob’s Burgers celebrates its 150th episode. Boyz Four, think One Direction, loses a member and they are holding auditions to replace him. Tina goes in disguise to try out and to find a cute boy she saw. While looking for him, she finds another cute boy and another one. Each has their song. If you are going to get this milestone than it is something to sing about and they are singing.

Then at 9p, Brian gets married on Family Guy. Brian wants to meet the perfect woman for him, but the only thing is that she has cancer. When she finds out it terminal, Brian offers to marry her. The two become Quahog celebrities when Tom Tucker features them on his show.

I have seen every episode of the show and I think the 2-part season premiere might the show’s worst episodes yet. Hopefully, they will get better as the season goes on because foRel is going to need it.
Over at CBS at 8:30p, Miles gets a friend request that will change his life forever on Gd Friended Me.

Miles (Brandon Micheal Hall) grew up with a father (Joe Morton) who is a reverend. When he was a kid something happened that made him lose his faith. So much so, he started a podcast saying there is no Gd.

Then he gets a friend request from Gd and he thinks it is a joke. That is until he gets another request to friend someone else. A man who is about to jump in front of a train until Miles stops him.

Miles gets a new friend request for Cara Bloom (Violett Beane). He thinks the writer is in on it, but she swears she isn’t. She needs to write a story and decides to tells Miles’ tale. Now the two of them, who need saving, try to find out why Gd wants to be his friend.

It has been 18 years since CBS cancelled Early Edition, and I have been waiting for them to do a show as good as that one. Finally, they have done it with this show. This is the only new show that a family can watch together. So sit down as one and watch this drama with your loved ones.


Last Man Standing has a new home with Cool Kids in Hell’s Kitchen!
September 28th, 2018 under Fox, Gordon Ramsay. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 8p, Last Man Standing is back but on Fox and not ABC. I, for one, was happy when I heard about this because I like the sitcom. It is one of the few shows that is responsible when showing both sides of the political spectrum.

They still do that, but they have some rough spots to work through after having a season off. The biggest problem is that Molly Ephraim left the show and now Molly McCook is playing Mandy. She is completely different than the original actress and is not working for me. She is not as lovable in the role.

The show starts off by making fun of the channel change and then take on politics. Ryan (Jordan Masterson) is glued to television and he is obsessed with how Donald Trump is ruining America. Mike (Tim Allen) has a talk with his son-in-law and that gives him a great idea. Ryan decides to move his family to Canada. Kristin (Amanda Fuller) is not sure if she wants to leave her country for her husband’s country. What will they decide? While we wait for their decision, the Baxters are all fighting with each other.

I was not wowed by the first two episodes, but like Suits, I think they will find their groove and be better than before.

Then at 8:30p, The Cool Kids debuts and I am enjoying this comedy by Charlie Day.

Charlie (Martin Mull), Hank (David Alan Greer) and Sid (Leslie Jones) all live in a retirement community and think they are the cool kids in the place. The fourth member of their group just died and now they have an open seat at their table.

New resident Margaret (Vicki Lawrence) sees the open chair at their table and sits down. The guys don’t want her there, but she does not care. She is one tough chick who truly is a cool kid.

As the guys try to throw a party for their late friend, things don’t go their way. That is until Margaret offers to help them out. Now, these three grumpy men who are settled in their ways will have a new lease on life thanks to their rebellious new friend. She will get them to feel like they are in their 40’s again.

Next week she takes them out to a nightclub and the following week, she gets them to try online dating. None of it will go smoothly, which is what we want.

These four comedic legends remind us how funny sitcoms can be. It is amazing to think that they have not worked together before because they instantly have chemistry. Plus, who doesn’t love Vicki Lawerence? Then there is Leslie Jordan who is sweeter than sweet tea. Mull is perfect for the former hippie. While DAG is perfect as the know it all who knows nothing.

If you want to be a cool kid, then watch The Cool Kids.
Finally at 9p, Hell’s Kitchen changes things up. Last season it was all about the All-Stars. This season it is Rookies vs Veterans.

That means that people who have never been on the cooking competition will be going up against people who have been there before. While that is a big change. The biggest change is that this the first time in the show’s history where it is not girls vs boys. Final-freaking-ly. It is a new dynamic for it and I love it.

We will get to see how they react when one kitchen is not full of cattiness and the other one machismo. You know, it is so much better. Hopefully, Gordon Ramsay will keep it like this for future seasons.

Back to this season, the winner is vying for a position at the world’s first Gordon Ramsay HELL’S KITCHEN Restaurant at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and $250,000. Will it be someone we know or someone we meet tonight?


Day 2 of the fall season and it is really bad
September 25th, 2018 under ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, Wayans Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight is the second night of the fall season and it is the worst night of television on all of the networks except for NBC. Tonight, we will be crying over This Is Us and tomorrow the heads of ABC, CBS and Fox will be crying over their how bad their shows are.

As I did yesterday and will continue to do, I will do my opinion of best to worst and tonight is a lot of worse.
I will start off with New Amsterdam that debuts at 10p on NBC. It is my favorite new show of the season. It was the only pilot that made me cry. That is because there is a lot of heart in the medical drama. It is not too focused on medical procedures or being a soap opera. It is about the patient as an individual and the doctors who want to make them feel better.

Dr. Max Goodwin (Ryan Eggold) is the brand medical director at Bellevue Hospital in NYC. He is going to shake things up at his new job. He tells the doctors put the patient before billing and he means it. He fires the whole cardiac surgical unit because that is what they do.

He wants to hear what the doctors want, so they can make the hospital a better place. The doctors are more than willing to do it, and it is starting to make them better doctors. How long can they do this before the money people make them stop? Not only that Dr. Goodwin has a secret of his own, one that might limit how long he stays at the hospital.

Thankfully he has a lot of good doctors to back him up like Dr. Hana Sharpe (Freema Agyeman), Dr. Laura Bloom (Janet Montgomery), Dr. Floyd Pearson (Jocko Sims), Dr. Anil Kapoor (Anupam Kher) and Dr. Iggy Frome (Tyler Labine).

I just love the feel of the show because it is a medical drama but not one that makes you feel like you might get diagnosed with one the unusual illnesses they have. Plus, Ryan Eggold plays the role so brilliantly. He is one of them, while also being their boss. You can feel the compassion in his performance.

Actually, you feel the compassion about the whole show and that is why it is my favorite new show of the season.

To read the rest of the reviews, then click here!


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