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Jimmy Kimmel says he is not retiring
February 23rd, 2017 under Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: 1 ]

The other day Variety said in the title of their article with an interview of Jimmy Kimmel that he was thinking of retiring in 3 years when his contract is up at ABC. Today, Ellen DeGeneres asked him about on her daytime talk show and he said that was a big misunderstanding. He explained what happened, “I did an interview and the guy asked me ‘Do you ever think of about, like, retiring?’ And I said, ‘I still have 3 years left on my contract until 2020 and who knows at the end of that maybe I.’ I definitely didn’t say I was retiring.”

Then the internet went crazy and said that he was. He was touched by all the people who care about him, but then the next articles were who could replace him. The late night host said there were some really good suggestions and maybe ABC should consider them. He was joking, but do you think he should consider it?


Mr Clean gets Fifty Shades dirty!
February 3rd, 2017 under Ads, Ellen DeGeneres, Fifty Shades. [ Comments: none ]
Earlier this week Mr Clean released their new commercial and several women (including me) were turned on by the animated version of him. His muscles just glistened in it and gave me thoughts that needed to be cleaned up by him. She writes while biting her lip.
There was one woman, who wasn’t turned on by him, and because of that Ellen DeGeneres decided to have fun with the Super Bowl ad. She mashed it up with the Fifty Shades Darker trailer, and now I am so turned there is something else that Mr Clean needs to clean up!
There is help for me, right?


Ellen DeGeneres ruins The Art of Painting with Bob Ross!
January 13th, 2017 under Bob Ross, Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: none ]

Even though I hate painting, I loved watching Bob Ross. I said love in the past tense because Ellen DeGeneres did something with the late great artist that has destroy him for me like that happy trees would destroy those perfect paintings.
She mashed up Fifty Shades of Darker with his PBS classic and I need to watch one of his shows to make everything all right again. But, I can’t. So I am just a sad cloud hoping his magic touch can somehow make me smile again.


Has Ellen DeGeneres hit hard times?
January 10th, 2017 under Ellen DeGeneres, Hard times. [ Comments: none ]

Even though Ellen DeGeneres has a successful talk show, she has taken a second job driving a bus. Does that mean she has hit rough times? Nope, she was shooting a bit for her show. But could you imagine getting on a bus and seeing her captaining the ship? I don’t know if I would get on it or run as far away as possible. What would you do?


Blake Shelton reveals he has a tiny little snake
December 1st, 2016 under Blake Shelton, Ellen DeGeneres, The Voice. [ Comments: none ]
Now that Blake Shelton is dating Gwen Stefani, who has a young kid at home, he is probably spending a lot of nights reading books to him. I guess it has influenced him because he wrote a children’s book of his own.
Tomorrow instead of reading to Apollo, The Voice coach read it to Ellen DeGeneres. I think it will be an instant classic. At least it will be in my house.


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