Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Donald Trump
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David Letterman was enjoying retirement until…
July 11th, 2015 under David Letterman, Donald Trump, Martin Short, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]
Steve Martin and Martin Short are touring the country together and yesterday they brought out a surprise guest in San Antonio. That person is the recently retired David Letterman. The former late night host admitted he was enjoying his new employment status until Donald Trump announced that he was running for President. So how is he going to let the world know how he feels? He joined two old friends on stage and read a Top Ten about it that will have you laughing so hard, you wish he could get his old show back! Can he?


NBC uses Donald Trump’s catchphrase on him!
June 29th, 2015 under Donald Trump, NBC. [ Comments: 2 ]
We know that Donald Trump loves saying, “You’re fired” on NBC, and now NBC said those two words to him.
Over 217,000 people signed a petition at asking NBC to fire Donald Trump and his shows over the recent comments he made during the speech announcing that he is running for President, and the Peacock network heard their uproar.
NBC release a statement today saying that:

At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values.
Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump.
To that end, the annual Miss USA and Miss Universe Pageants, which are part of a joint venture between NBC and Trump, will no longer air on NBC.
In addition, as Mr. Trump has already indicated, he will not be participating in “The Apprentice” on NBC.

NBC added that Celebrity Apprentice will continue on with Mark Burnett’s production company, but they did not say who will replace Trump in the boardroom. As long as the show’s continues on, I am OK with their decision. Heck, Celebrity Apprentice will most likely be a better show without him.
I bet Donald Trump never saw this coming, through his combover, when he announced that he was running for President.

To read Donald Trump‘s response, then click here!


Did Donald Trump pay for his supporters yesterday?
June 17th, 2015 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]
When Donald Trump announced that he was running for President, he promised to get people jobs. He wasn’t kidding because according to The Hollywood Reporter, he paid some of his supporters $50 to attend his press conference. So for three hours of work, they got almost $17 an hour. That’s not bad money, if you can get it. So Donald, if you come to California, you can pay me to support you. Would you take his money to support him?


Donald Trump is officially running for President
June 16th, 2015 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]
After months of teasing us, Donald Trump officially threw his toupee, I mean hat, into the ring. That’s right, he is running for President and this Entertainment blogger is extremely happy about it.
His race will give me a lot of stuff to write about, so I am excited to see what he does.
Do I think he has a chance of winning? Way too early to tell, but as of now he has a 1 in 12 chance of getting the Republican nomination a little over a year from now. Can you believe only 12 of them are running, I thought it was in the 100s.
And yes, we are still a over a year away from the Republican convention and 14 months away from electing a President.
So at this point we just get to watch them drop faster than flies. But for us people who love Entertainment, it’s great to have one of us in the race. We haven’t had someone since Reagan.


Donald Trump quits Celeb Apprentice to run for President
March 18th, 2015 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: 3 ]

Donald Trump has decided not to renew his contract with NBC for The Celebrity Apprentice in order to launch a presidential exploratory committee according to the New Hampshire Union Leader. The business mogul flew to New Hampshire yesterday and is expected to talk to the media today at 5:30p.
It will be interesting to see if the exploratory committee finds him as a suitable candidate to run for President of The United States. As an entertainment blogger, I am all for it. As someone who grew up in NYC, I am against it. How do you feel about it?
And as a fan of The Celebrity Apprentice, I really hope that Mark Burnett and NBC find a way to keep it going. Trump is just a small part of the show and I think it can survive without him.


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