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Stormy Daniels breaks her silence on 60 Minutes
March 21st, 2018 under Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

For weeks we have been hearing that Stormy Daniels sat down with Anderson Cooper for a 60 Minutes interview and told him about her affair with Donald Trump. For over a year, lawyers for the president have been trying to silence her, and she has been quiet. Something her lawyer says is null and void now because they confirmed that they bought her silence in 2016 before the election.

His lawyers do not think that is the case and threatened to sue her for $20 million if she talked. That was not enough for them because when they heard that she did an interview with Anderson Cooper, they did everything in their power to stop it.

It did not work because that interview is going to air as planned this Sunday at 7p. Although from this 10 second clip, it does not look like she is really going to break her silence.

Now, I just want to talk about Stormy for second. You know what, she is actually really funny. So funny, I think she should go into comedy. She could be as big as her breasts.


Did Donald Trump Jr cheat on his pregnant wife with Aubrey O’Day?
March 19th, 2018 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]
We have all been hearing for decades the rumors that Donald Trump cheated on his wives. Now we are hearing his son did the same thing. Which is a total, like father, like son.

According to Page Six back in 2011, Donald Trump Jr began an affair with Aubrey O’Day when she was on The Celebrity Apprentice. Jr was reportedly so into O’Day that he was considering leaving his wife, who was pregnant with their third child at the time. When his dad found out about the affair, it is said he told his son to knock it off.

If it is true, then it can possibly explain this Tweet the reality show star wrote in 2016, ““No. my story I didn’t tell is worth millions now 😉…this doesn’t hurt me, it hurts America.” As we know, Stormy Daniels got $130,000, which means she most likely would have gotten less.

Clay Aiken, who was on the show that season, posted a meme of something he said back then. It reads, “She popped out of her mama’s chatch and started grinding the stripper pole.” Meanwhile, Arsenio Hall, who won that season and did not get along with her, has not said anything. I am sure that will change.


James Corden and Shaggy rework It Wasn’t Me for Donald Trump
March 15th, 2018 under Donald Trump, James Corden, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2000, Shaggy released It Wasn’t Me, and now 17 years later he changed up the lyrics with James Corden on The Late Late Show to make them work for Donald Trump’s White House. You just have to watch the reimagination to see how brilliant it is. They are so many times you will high five your computer because that line is so true. So sit back and enjoy it because they totally nailed the relationship between the president and Robert Mueller.

If that is not enough for you, see what The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon did to Salt-n-Pepa’s Let’s Talk About Sex. They took POTUS’s past pressers to give us their take of Let’s Talk About Rex. And now I will never listen to the original song again.


Did Omarosa sleep with Donald Trump?
February 17th, 2018 under Big Brother- US, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]
Omarosa is stuck in the Celebrity Big Brother house with other celebrities and Brandi Glanville wanted to know if the reality show vixen slept with Donald Trump. The former White House employee said, “Hell no.” Then she revealed there is a woman inside 1600 Penn who is sleeping with everyone. She did not say who, so we are left to guess who it might be? And who she is sleeping with? Guesses?

Glanville also revealed that she heard there were a few female contestants on Celebrity Apprentice who slept with the Donald when they were on the show. She did not tell us who she heard it was, so again we are left to guess?


Omarosa says we should be scared of what’s going on in the White House
February 8th, 2018 under CBS, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

As soon as it was announced that Omarosa was going from the White House to the Celebrity Big Brother one, you were hoping she would dish on her experience there. Now that she is starting to open up, you will wish she didn’t. If you had problems sleeping before today because of this administration, then it is about to get a whole lot worse.

Ross Matthews asked her why she went it and she told him, “I felt like it was a call to duty like I was serving my country and not serving him.”

Then she revealed to Ross the Intern, “I was haunted by Tweets every single day. What he is going to Tweet next?” Then he wanted to know if anyone would say anything to him? She said, “I tried to be that person and then all of the people around him attacked me. It was like keep her away from him. Don’t give her access. Don’t let her talk to him. Ivanka’s [Trump]. Jared’s [Kushner] there.”

Even though she is not there, she would like to say it is not her problem but she can’t. She then warned Matthews that, “It’s bad,” as she wiped away her tears.

Then he wanted to know if we should be worried? She shook her head and told him, “It’s not going to be OK. It’s not. It’s bad.” And with that the demand for sleeping pills just skyrocketed.

I hope the reality show villain is just hamming up for the cameras because if not, well you know, we have been living it for the last year.

BTW I can totally see someone like April Ryan asking Sarah Huckabee about Omarosa today at the White House press briefing. Huckabee will be like, “The President wishes her well, but he does not have time to watch and listen to everything she says on a reality show. He is not a fan of reality TV, he likes to call it fake TV here.” Then they will follow up with, should we be afraid like she said. That is when Huckabee will put on that fake smile and be like, “Of her, yes. Moving on.”

You can watch Celebrity Apprentice tonight at 8p on CBS to see what else she says because this is only a preview.

When the Huckabee replacement, Raj Shah, was asked if they are taking what Omarosa said seriously, he told the press, “Not very seriously. Omarosa was fired three times on The Apprentice and this is the fourth time we let her go.” Then he added that she has limited contact when she was there and has had no contact since she was fired for the 4th time. My friend brought up a good point, who hired her 4 times? Who is the real schmuck the hirer or the firer? Oh wait, it is the same person.


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