Back when Mark Wahlberg was Marky Mark, he posed in his underwear for Calvin Klein. Now nearly 25 years later, someone who wasn’t even born when he posed in his Calvins, is doing the same thing. That is his good buddy Justin Bieber and he told Conan O’Brien on his TBS late night show tonight that the Beebs sent him those photos. Something the actor didn’t want to see because what 45 year old dad of 4 wants to see another man’s funky bunch. In other words, it didn’t give him good vibrations.
Jeff Goldblum has been doing Conan O’Brien’s late night shows since 1993 and the host realized that his guest never ages. Therefore, he wanted to know the Fly’s secret is to ageing. As the conversation went on, Goldblum focused on Conan’s red hair and how there are no greys in sight. But is the ginger natural? The TBS host stood up and showed him that yes it is. Too bad his back was to the cameras at the time.
I know Goldblum did a film called Earth Girls Are Easy, tonight he found out so are the men!
Thing I love most about Conan O’Brien is he is the only late night show host who is willing to take a joke so far you know there is a special place in Hell for him. Next to me of course, but still.
Anyways, the TBS late night show came up with a fake commercial for The Toilet Santa. It is a life-sized Santa that sits on the back of your loo and you get to pee and poop with him. So wrong and so right!
Back when Edward Norton was a teen, he told Conan O’Brien on his TBS late night show that he had his first erotic experience while watching Helen Mirren in HBO’s Excalibur. Then when he was 26, he wound up staying at a guest house on her property and she invited him over for some tea. He thought she wanted him to be her sugar for the day, but he was wrong. Nothing happened between the two of them.
Fast forward to today, thankfully for him their movie Collateral Beauty bombed because the Oscar nominee might have some explaining to do the Dame.
I like this side of Norton and wish he did more movies to showcase this side of him.
Even though Rogue One takes place almost as many years as before the amount of time it has been since Star Wars has come out, a lot has changed in the galaxy of film making in that time.
Back when Anthony Daniels played the lovable droid, he actually had to get into that costume. Alan Tudyk told Conan O’Brien on his TBS late night show that when played K-2SO, they recorded his movements for Motion Capture. Which is a lot easier to do. Therefore it makes sense that when Daniels found that out, he said to Tudyk, “You Sh!t!” If the Firefly star thought those words were harsh, they ain’t nothing as compared to what happened after C-P30 saw the film. He had just two words for the newest droid in the franchise and they were F*ck and you! Can you blame him?
When it comes to Tudyk, can you believe in his lengthy and respectable career, this was first late night interview. He nailed it! Can’t wait to see him do more.