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Paula Abdul finally talks about American Idol
August 31st, 2009 under American Idol 9+, Paula Abdul. [ Comments: none ]

Finally after weeks of being silent, Paula Abdul opens up to TV Guide Magazine on why she left American Idol.

You’re looking amazing, Paula. And you seem so happy today. No regrets about leaving American Idol?
You know, to say ‘no regrets’ isn’t easy. I feel like I have been such a big, huge part of the success of the show from day one. I loved being able to be the artist’s artist; being there from my point of view of knowing what it feels like to be vulnerable and to be out there wanting to achieve the most magical moment in a minute and thirty seconds. To be able to do that was an amazing experience and the show was wonderful for me in that regard.

Will you still tune in?
Of course I will. I’ll watch it as much as I can. I had some really unforgettable moments that hit plateaus for me and I’m very blessed to have been a part of what made television history.

Is there anything the show could do to get you back?
That’s a hard question to answer right now. I mean, I don’t think I can answer that right now.

Is it just about the money?
It’s never…I stand on principle where many people stand on money. I’m a hard-working artist. I’ve lasted in this business for 23 years. And you can’t do that unless you are good at what you do. I believe in myself and you have to have your own self respect. And sometimes decisions are very difficult to make, but I’ve always believed that at the core I’m a survivor. There’s not one thing I’ve done that I’ve really set my mind to that I’ve failed at.

Lastly, what do you want to tell your many TV Guide Magazine fans who will be missing you next season on American Idol?
The fans all should know I adore, love, appreciate and respect how much they’ve expressed their outpouring of love and support for me. That’s what keeps me going in lots of ways. The fans are supporting and rooting for me in all the future endeavors I’m doing. I love that and I’m grateful to American Idol for allowing all of that to happen.

Kind of like her judging on American Idol, she really hasn’t said anything but I have to know every word she is saying. I wonder if she is being so wishy-washy because they rumors that she will be back in January are true?
Check out TV Guide Magazine to see what she is doing next and what she wants to do now that she is no longer committed to American Idol.


Neil Patrick Harris as Paula Abdul for day
August 25th, 2009 under American Idol 9+, How I Met Your Mother, Neil Patrick Harris, Paula Abdul. [ Comments: 4 ]

(photo from WireImage)

I am going to start off this post and say I love Neil Partick Harris, and now I am going to say WTF was Fox and American Idol thinking when they had him a guest Judge on American Idol??? Watch with Kristin confirmed that the How I Met Your Mother star sat in Paula Abdul’s old seat today in Dallas. Seriously why? I know he has Broadway experience, but what does he know about what would make a good recording artist? Again I love him, but sounds like Fox is more desperate than Dancing with the Stars to get any name they can to be on their show. Do you think he is a good choice as a temp Judge?
BTW for those of you wondering how someone from a CBS show could appear on a Fox one? HIMYM is produced by Fox.


When did Joe Jonas become a female pop star?
August 18th, 2009 under American Idol 9+, Disney Kids, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: 1 ]

So shortly after Paula Abdul Tweeted that she was not returning to American Idol, two Fox executives (Peter Rice and Kevin Reilly) said they were going to replace her with a female pop star. Then today the LA times reported that Kelly Clarkson and Joe Jonas are joining Posh Spice, Mary J Blige, Katy Perry and Shania Twain as a few of the people who will be sitting in her chair for at least one audition date for American Idol 9. Which makes me wonder when did Joe Jonas become a female pop star because I always thought he was a guy? I can just imagine all the girls under 19 screeching when they come in the room and see him there and their auditions going to crap because of it. It is almost cruel for them to make him a judge for them and us. And yes the Jonas Brothers have sold a bunch of CDs, but does that make him qualified to judge to potential singers when he is only 20? Is his ear that in tune and does he have enough music knowledge to judge them, and the same goes for Katy Perry who so far is a one album wonder?
BTW I wonder how Nick and Kevin feel about it. I mean why Joe and not them? Wouldn’t it be hot if it caused a riff in their band because he got to do the show and they didn’t and they replace him with Bonus Jonas. Wait did I just give that that much thought?
Back to Kelly Clarkson, she is the best name I have seen so far to sit in the chair. What do you think of the people they have confirmed thus far?


Fox will replace Paula Abdul’s American Idol’s shoes
August 6th, 2009 under American Idol 9+, Fox, Paula Abdul. [ Comments: none ]

(photo © Fox)
Thirty-six hours ago Paula Abdul Tweeted that she was leaving American Idol and today two Fox Executives (Peter Rice and Kevin Reilly) had to answer what will happen to her slot on the show and what we can expect from the upcoming season on Fox!!! Here is what they said:
Paula's contract was the only whose contract was up.
They offered her a substantial amount and she said no.
Guest Judges at each of the upcoming auditions. Some are confirmed, some more talks. They will have female pop stars and artists
By January they will have a solution. Like who might be her replacement
They are sad to see her go. They say they are excited for the change and look forward to it because it will be a different dynamic
Paula is not coming back. The contract negotiations are done.
They say they will still have 4 Judges. They say it is live TV that lead to the tech issues.
They said that Dollhouse's ratings and Joss creativity is why the show is coming back
Posh Spice and Katy Perry are confirmed as judges for the American Idol auditions
On Ryan's salary, he is not getting $15 million from just Idol. It is from CKS.
They say Joss is having fun now with Dollhouse and they are looking forward to a second season
Kara's contract had an option and that is why the announcement came out this week
There is a negotiated deal with Futurama but they have not committed to air it
It is still fresh with Paula being out. And it wasn't until her manager went to the press that they thought they might lose Paula. None of the filli-ins as of now are not expected to be her replacement. There will be a search for a new Judge and they want someone who has a great chemistry with the old Judges to become the 4th Judge
They say chemistry is more important than someone who is a little controversy. Someone that gets along with the Judges and the contestants. They have 4 months to find what will make the show more fun.
When asked about the departure NBC's Ben Silverman, they thought they were asking if he would Judge on Idol…lol
As of now they don't want rotating Judges come January. They want someone more permanent But still the decision is months away.
They were hoping Paula would come back. They loved her and wanted her back. They need to look at the decision being made is a positive thing. Change is good. The show is about the contestants.
Poss for three Judges, but prob  will still be 4
Unlikely the final King of the Hill eps will air
It will be interesting to see who they will get to replace her for the auditions and then eventually for the show. Who do you think it should be?
BTW I am so looking forward to the upcoming season on Fox! Glee as we have seen is f*cking awesome, Brothers had me peeing in my pants and The Cleveland Show is the perfect spinoff for Family Guy!!! So check them all out when the premiere on Fox this Fall starting with Glee on September 9th, Brothers on September 25th and The Cleveland Show on Septmeber 27th!!!


WTF Paula Abdul is NOT returning to American Idol???
August 4th, 2009 under American Idol 9+, Paula Abdul. [ Comments: none ]

Paula Abdul just Tweeted the devastating news that she will not be returning to American Idol. WTF they bring back the hated and useless Kara DiGuardi who can’t judge or write a song and get rid of the much loved Paula Abdul. That is a huge mistake on Fox’s part. All Randy Jackson says is dawg and dude I’m not feeling it and Kara is like what type of artist are you, at least Paula was fun and encouraging to the contestants. Seriously it was fun to watch her with Simon and without her it will be all about Simon’s opinion and no one is going to give a flying f*ck about what the other two have to say. Seriously American Idol just got a crap load worse by losing her. The show has been going downhill and this might be the push I needed to get all those hours back.
Sorry I am beyond p!ssed over this news, how are you feeling about it?

UPDATE: The Live Feed just posted the statement confirming that Paula Abdul is sadly not returning to American Idol.

“Paula Abdul has been an important part of the ‘American Idol’ family over the last eight seasons, and we are saddened that she has decided not to return to the show. While Paula will not be continuing with us, she’s a tremendous talent and we wish her the best.”


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