Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ellen DeGeneres is replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol
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[ # ] Ellen DeGeneres is replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol
September 9th, 2009 under American Idol 9+, Ellen DeGeneres, Paula Abdul

Ellen DeGeneres announced on her site that she will be replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol when the season starts up in January. At this point I am just taking it all in, so you guys tell me how you feel about it and that will me decide if this is a good or bad thing. I do know one person who won’t be happy with the news…Paula Abdul…

UPDATE: Fox confirmed the news on the American Idol site.

UPDATE 2: Ellen DeGeneres did an interview with Ryan Seacrest today and in it she talks about her new job. She says that she will not be mean, which has me nervous. She also said that it might’ve come about after she appeared on SYTYCD as a judge over the summer and that has me even more nervous. Her time on that show was just a bunch of cheesy one-liners with out adding any substance to the show and I really hope that is not all her camera time on AI will be.


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