Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2024 » January
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BTWF: Bryan Cranston on Crisis Counselor
January 29th, 2024 under Before They Were Famous, Bryan Cranston. [ Comments: none ]

Before Bryan Cranston had the perfect marriage on Malcolm in the Middle, his marriage was in a lot of trouble on Crisis Counselor. How incredible was the 26-year-old in that 1982 episode?

I have been doing BTWF posts for over a decade, and this find is in my top 5. I highly recommend spending 15 minutes and watching this fantastic episode. It gets better and better with each minute until the surprising end.


Ryan Reynolds topped himself with this commercial
January 29th, 2024 under Ryan Reynolds, Tommy Wiseau. [ Comments: none ]

I majored in Advertising in college, and my teachers told me not to go into it. And I listened to them.

However, Ryan Reynolds’ Maximum Effort is doing stuff I dreamed of doing.

Case in point. 1Password wanted to do an advertisement about bad actors, so the advertising company the baddest actor they could think of to star.

Who could they get? They hired The Room’s Tommy Wiseau. His movie was so bad that it inspired the Oscar-winning movie The Disaster Artist.

And the 1Password commercial is anything but a disaster for either artist!

This ad came out today to remind us to change our passwords on Change Your Password Day, which is Thursday, February 1st. Therefore, make sure to change it so that you can prevent the Tommy Wiseaus from getting into your accounts.


I thought bats were in baseball and not basketball
January 29th, 2024 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Things took a foul turn at Saturday’s San Antonio Spurs/Minnesota Timberwolves game. That is because a bat decided he wanted to be part of the action.

Therefore, the action had to take a time out so that the Spurs’ mascot, The Coyote, dressed in a Batman costume with a net, could try to catch the Vampire on the court as the Batman theme played in the background.

This is not the first time he has caught a bat. He has done this twice before.

And the third time was a charm for him because former Spurs player Manu Ginobili was in the stands watching. You see, Manu once caught a bat barehanded during a game in 2009.

Who knew bats preferred basketball over other sports? But they do!


Ed Sheeran’s words come back to bite him in the ass
January 29th, 2024 under Ed Sheeran. [ Comments: none ]

We have been hearing Ed Sheeran singing, “When your legs don’t work like they used to before,” for almost a decade. And I am sure he was hoping it would be decades before that was the case.

However, his legs stopped working for him in Osaka the other night when he was running up onto the stage for his concert. The singer was climbing up the stairs when he tripped on the final step. So he went down faster than 1-1.

But he got up and finished the show like nothing happened. Thus turning that zero into a hero!

And he is a true hero for sharing that behind-the-scenes fall with us and adding the first line from Thinking Out Loud to the video!

If you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?


Britney Spears apologizes to Justin Timberlake
January 29th, 2024 under Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake. [ Comments: none ]

Britney Spears is more of a man than Justin Timberlake ever will be. That is because she is willing to apologize, unlike her ex-boyfriend, who she wrote in her book convinced her to get an abortion when she was 19.

Because of the backlash that came from that confession, her fans turned on the selfish singer. So when he released a song called Selfish last week, her pack went rabid and made her 2011 single of the same name climb the charts faster than his.

Well, I guess she did not approve because she released a statement on social media.

“I wanna apologize for some of the things I wrote about in my book. If I offended any of the people I genuinely care about I am deeply sorry… I also wanted to say I am in love with Justin Timberlake’s new song ‘Selfish’ It is soo good and how come every time I see Justin and Jimmy together I laugh so hard ???,” she wrote. “Ps ‘Sanctified’ is wow too”

Amazingly, she could apologize to him in a few days, while he has yet to publicly apologize to her. And it took him 17 years to apologize to Janet Jackson for what happened at the Super Bowl.

Can someone tell me why you like him? I never understood his appeal. He comes off as a dick to me, and not the type he has in a box.


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