Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2021
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Katy Perry’s Las Vegas residency is a literal sh!t show
December 30th, 2021 under Katy Perry. [ Comments: none ]

Katy Perry began her Las Vegas residency yesterday, and Mario Lopez was there to share some of the highlights.

At one point, the singer did a duet of Califonia Gurls with a singing poop who was in a toilet. What else can I say after that? Nothing. I am speechless.


Did the Chris Noth scandal hurt And Just Like That’s chances for a second season?
December 30th, 2021 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: none ]

And Just Like That

Sex and the City is back with the sequel And Just Like That on HBO Max, and fans are watching it. So you would think a second season is a given. However, Us Weekly is reporting it might be in trouble because of the Chris Noth scandal of him allegedly sexually assaulting multiple women.

“There was talk about doing another season, but after the past few days all those conversations have stopped,” a source explained to the magazine. “Everyone is raw.”

I am sure it will go on. It is not like Noth is part of the series anymore since they killed him off. So I can’t see why it wouldn’t get a second season unless Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon, and Kristen Davis don’t want to do it.

Maybe they can give Samantha her own show about her life in London instead. That is what I would watch.


Ryan Reynolds reacts to Betty White saying he won’t get over his crush on her
December 30th, 2021 under Betty White, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

Betty White is going to turn 100 next month, and People did an interview with her.

The legendary actress told the mag, “I’ve heard Ryan [Reynolds] can’t get over his thing for me.” However, she prefers someone else with the initials RR, and that man is Robert Redford.

Anyways, People loved that quote so much, so they gave it a headline that reads, “Betty White Jokes Ryan Reynolds Still ‘Can’t Get Over’ Her, Despite Her Crush on Robert Redford.” Well, when Reynolds saw that, he responded to it on social media. “I’M ABSOLUTELY SICK OF THE MEDIA EXPLOITING PAST RELATIONSHIPS JUST TO DRIVE CLICKS,” he wrote.

I knew it. I knew the two of them hooked up when they made The Proposal in 2009. You can see the chemistry. Something they still have until this day. Can you blame either one of them? Too bad he settled for someone else because they would have been perfect.


Steve Harvey’s mom thought he sold drugs when he moved to LA
December 30th, 2021 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey was talking to the Family Feud audience, and he told him the story about how his mom didn’t know he was famous.

The comedian said his mom didn’t accept that he made it until he was on the cover of Jet Magazine. When she saw his face on the mag, she bought 20 and spread them out on her coffee table. No one was allowed to touch them.

However, before that, the actor tried to show his mom he was a star by sending her $10,000 every week from his paycheck for Me and the Boys. His mom thought he was selling drugs, so she sent his dad out to talk to him. That is when Harvey explained that he made $55.000 every Thursday because he was the star of a sitcom. His dad didn’t believe his son, so he asked to stay until Thursday so that he “could watch these white folks give you 55 mother f@cking thousand.”

Of course, he let him stay, and his dad was so proud. He told everyone that story for the rest of his life!

I love stories like this!


Julian Lennon has COVID-19
December 30th, 2021 under Coronavirus, Julian Lennon. [ Comments: none ]

Julian Lennon/Twitter

Omicron is spreading faster than a joint at a Phish concert. Therefore, it seems like everyone is getting COVID-19 this go around. The latest victim is Julian Lennon.

“Omicron finally got me…. Happy Holidaze they are not,” Lennon wrote. “Stay Safe out there!” I hope he gets better soon.

BTW He is one of the best huggers, and not in a sexual way.

And talking about hugging, I know you want to hug your loved ones. But I would just wait because so many people are getting COVID with this variant. Be smart, and be safe.


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