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NBC brings Christmas joy with Young Rock, Kenan and Mr. Mayor
December 15th, 2021 under Don Johnson, Kenan Thompson, NBC, Ted Danson Mary Steenburgen, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight, starting at 8p, NBC is stirring up the Christmas joy like marshmallows in cocoa with their three sophomore comedies.

Young Rock starts it off at 8p with a different take on A Christmas Carol. Old Rock is filming a Christmas movie, and his young co-stat is just not in the spirit. So to get her there, he tells the story of his past Christmases.

The Rock goes back to when he was 10 years old (Adrian Groulx) to revisit his worst Christmas with his parents (Stacey Leilua and Joseph Lee Anderson) and his grandmother (Ana Tuisila). However, his 15-year-old self (Bradley Constant) goes back five years to tell his past self that his worst Christmas is coming. And he shows him what happened. But then, the 21-year-old DJ (Uli Latukefu) shows them that it gets worst six years from that.

What is the lesson of all of this? You just have to tune in to see in this episode that is no bah humbug.

Then at 8:30p, it is time for a Christmas extravaganza on Kenan. Mika (Kimrie Lewis) is planning a holiday episode of Kenan’s (Thompson) morning show Wake Up, and everything is going wrong.

Kenan is depending on his brother (Chris Redd) to help him out, but Gary abandons him. The keyboardist drops out, so Kenan suggests his father-in-law (Don Johnson). Rick accepts, but he wants to upstage Tami (Taylor Louderman), and she is not having it.

Will the show be naughty or nice? You just have to tune in, or you will get a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking.

Finally, at 9:30p, it LA Christmas Eve, aka December 22nd, on Mr. Mayor. Since everyone is going away for the holidays, they put their trees out on the street. However, the Santa Ana winds are blowing them all over the place. That means it is up to Tommy (Mike Cabellon) to save the day.

Everyone at the Mayor’s office wants to go home, but the Mayor (Ted Danson) won’t let them. That is because his presents for everyone got lost in the mail. That and there is a storm of pine trees wreaking havoc on the city.

What does he do? He hires someone to come in and give them an experience. Mikaela (Vella Lovell) wants to live Love Actually, so she tries to hook Apri (Holly Hunter) up with a stranger in the office. Unfortunately, Apri isn’t having it. Jayden (Bobby Moynihan) has been working on a Christmas Carol for Los Angeles, but he just can’t seem to finish it?

Will everyone have a merry LA Christmas? You just have to watch this laugh-inducing episode to find out.


Seth Meyers and Will Forte went day drinking and got drunk
December 15th, 2021 under Seth Meyers, Will Forte. [ Comments: none ]

Seth Meyers and Will Forte have been friends since their days together on Saturday Night Live. I am sure that they have gone out drinking on more than one occasion. But have they ever gone day drinking? Now, they have, and we got to see their adventure on Late Night this morning. The morning is something neither man was looking forward to after consuming all of that alcohol.

The two funnymen made some disgusting mixed drinks, and then they played some game together. For the first game, the Last Man on Earth had to identify the silhouettes of people with facial hair. If he got it right, then Meyer drank. If he got it wrong, then he drank.

Then for game number 2, Forte had to guess what movie he was in by a picture of himself. To make it more difficult, the photos were of closer-up versions of himself with each guess.

Next up, we learned that MacGruber cannot do impressions. His Christopher Walken impression is so bad, SNL had to cut it from a sketch that Meyers wrote back in the day. While he cannot mimic people’s voices, he can give art masterpieces like The Scream a voice. This had the late host laughing historically.

However, not as hysterically as when he asked his friend to make him break. Could Forte make him crack up? Yes, and he went to great lengths to do it. How Meyers didn’t laugh for as long as he did for the last attempt, I don’t know. I was on the floor crying from laughter. That is why I love both these men!

And I must declare Will Forte is the funniest Will! So watch him as MacGruber tomorrow on Peacock!


Drew Barrymore says everyone in the industry has dated someone else in the biz
December 15th, 2021 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on the Drew Barrymore Show, the host answered an audience member’s question. That woman wanted to know if she ever dated any of her co-stars. She said she hooked up with Justin Long and Luke Wilson as examples.

But then the actress got real. She said, “Just so you know. People in the industry, definitely do get together. You’re like out in the middle of nowhere, for months at a time, and you are playing lovers. You just get totally wrapped up in it. So anyone who says they haven’t are liars.”

The more you know brought to you by Drew Barrymore.

Oh, and she dated more of her co-stars, and she made a list. But she left the list at Danny DeVito’s house. I wonder if he is one of them since he directed her in Duplex…


Paul Stanley KISSes and tells how he has suffered for his art
December 15th, 2021 under KISS. [ Comments: none ]

Paul Stanley has been rocking and rolling all nite for over 50 years, and that has been taking a toll on his body. So much so, that yesterday he had shoulder surgery to repair some of the damage he has done to himself throughout the decades.

This wasn’t his first surgery. So how many surgeries has the 69-year-old guitarist gotten? He
wrote, “I lost count at EIGHT!! Was it worth it?!? ABSOLUTELY! Judge the value of what of you have by what you sacrificed to achieve that goal. This was a joy-filled BARGAIN.”

That is why Gd Gave Rock’n’Roll to him and KISS!

Get well soon. We need to see you work your magic with the guitar soon.


Will Peleton kill again on And Just Like That…?
December 15th, 2021 under Comedy Central, Sex and the City. [ Comments: none ]

As we know, Mr. Big was killed by a Peleton on the Sex and the City sequel. Now, The Daily Show is pondering if he will be the stationary bike’s only victim this season. He is not. See who else gets taken out by the killing machine. And just like that… No one is left alive.


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