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Dolly Parton says she is a ‘living drag queen’
December 8th, 2020 under Dolly Parton, RuPaul. [ Comments: none ]

Marie Claire

RuPaul got to sit down with Dolly Parton for Marie Claire, and he had a lot of questions for the legend. She had just had as many answers for him—some more surprising than others.

He wanted to know if she ever wore the same thing twice because we always see her in something different. “It’s not true that I don’t wear a lot of my clothes twice. If I love something, I wear it.” Parton told him. “If I’m on tour, I have stage outfits that I wear. But if it’s for a real special occasion, then I will put that in my museum, or I will allow other people to put certain costumes in their museums, or we auction off pieces for charity. So nothing ever goes to waste.”

While that is what she wears below her neck, what about what she wears over her forehead. She has some old wigs, and those, like her dresses, are in her museum Chasing Rainbows at Dollywood. “I don’t think I have any that I wear that are that old now, but I know what you mean,” she said. “See, you’re a drag queen. Those are like costumes to you. This is my living self. I am a living drag queen. You dress up just now and then, but for me, though, I like the wigs and I wear them almost every day. So, people ask me how many wigs I have, I say, ‘Well, I must have at least 365,’ because I wear one almost every day. But I actually keep my own hair the same color and I just kind of pull it up in little scrunchies around the house. But I still like to put on makeup and have my hair fluffed.”

Now, we know why so many drag queens dress up like her. They want to feel what it is like to walk even a block in her high heels since she is the epitome of what they strive to be.


BTWF: David Lander on The Bob Newhart Show
December 7th, 2020 under Before They Were Famous, Bob Newhart. [ Comments: none ]

Before David Lander worked at the brewery on Laverne & Shirley, he was a delivery man on The Bob Newhart Show. How funny was the 27-year-old actor in that 1974 episode?


A first for Madonna
December 7th, 2020 under Madonna. [ Comments: none ]

Madonna is 62, and she has done a lot of adventurous things in her lifetime. However, there is one thing she didn’t do until now. What is it? She finally got a tattoo after all of these decades.

What did she get inked on the inside of her wrist? The initials for her six children Lourdes, Rocco, David, Mercy, Estere, and Stella.

As Madonna proves to us time and time again, you are never too old to try new things.

To see the tat, then click here!


Tommy Lee spices up his marriage by putting hot sauce on his wife’s a$$
December 7th, 2020 under Mötley Crüe. [ Comments: none ]

Mötley Crüe wants to keep things hot in our relationship with them, so they got into the hot sauce business.

Since they wanted to drum up some promotion, they asked Tommy Lee to make a video. It goes just as you think it will. It is off the Scoville chart. Especially when he puts it on his wife’s a$$ and takes a bite. I hope, for her sake, it stayed where he put it. If not, that is not the heat she is going to want down there. Believe me.

The thing I liked most about this ad is that he also downs shots of hot sauce. I thought I was the only one. Does anyone else do it, or is it just Tommy Lee and me?

To learn more about the flavors, then click here!


Mario Lopez is a sexy Colonel Sanders for Lifetime
December 7th, 2020 under Fast Food, Lifetime, Mario Lopez. [ Comments: none ]


Kentucky Fried Chicken and Lifetime teamed up to make a 15-minute movie starring Mario Lopez as Colonel Sanders. A Recipe for Seduction will debut on December 13th at 12n.

“A Recipe for Seduction is a perfect excuse to curl up at home and escape to your own happily ever after,” Andrea Zahumensky, KFC U.S. chief marketing officer, said in a statement.

Do you know what will go great with this? Grab your lover, pick up a KFC basket of fried chicken, light up the fireplace with a KFC firelog, and watch the short and eat by the fire.


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