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Watch Matthew Morrison transform into the Grinch
December 9th, 2020 under Glee, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

Matthew Morrison played the lead character in the live-action Grinch the Musical on NBC tonight. That means he had to spend a lot of time in the makeup chair to get ready for the role. How long? He sat there for three and a half hours as they applied makeup, prosthetics, and hair. Was it worth it? Watch the final product, and tell me! But I say it was totally worth it.

Am I the only one who thinks he looked like Frankenstein until they started to put the hair on his face?


We are getting another kick a$$ season of Cobra Kai
December 9th, 2020 under Billy Zabka, Netflix, Ralph Macchio. [ Comments: none ]

Cobra Kai had two amazing seasons on YouTube. However, for season three, it is moving over to Netflix.

Next month, we finally found out if Miguel (Xolo Maridueña) will wake up from his coma. Well, we don’t have to wait because Netflix finally released the trailer for the upcoming season. He is awake, but he is going to need a lot of rehab if he ever wants to walk again. Thankfully, Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) will be his side. That is when the sensei is not hanging out with his new best friend and former arch-nemesis, Daniel LaRusso. The two of them are teaming up to take the real villain of this story, Kreese (Martin Kove).

All of this will lead to an epic battle that will leave us on the edge of our seats until season four.

If you have never seen Cobra Kai, then you are missing out on one of the greatest shows of this century. Therefore, you need to catch up on the first two seasons of the Karate Kid reboot on Netflix today so that you will be ready for the new episodes next month. I promise you are going to love it as much as me, and I hate Dick Flicks. You need to find out why everyone who watches this show loves it.


F*ck yeah, Nicolas Cage’s new Netflix show is the sh!t!
December 9th, 2020 under Netflix, Nicolas Cage. [ Comments: none ]

Nicolas Cage and Netflix have teamed up to give us a documentary that everyone will want to watch. History of Swear Words will delve into the backstories of the words f*ck, sh!t, bitch, dick, pussy, and damn.

Each of the six 20-minute episodes will feature interviews with experts and guest stars like Nikki Glaser, Jim Jefferies, Nick Offerman, and Sarah Silverman.

Too bad George Carlin is not alive to see this docuseries. He would have been so proud of how we have come since he told us about the seven words you cannot say on television.

Talking about people, who love to curse, I am surprised they didn’t ask the King of Cursing to host the show. Or did Samuel L. Jackson turn them down?

The History of Swear Words debuts on January 5th. Mark your calendars because you are not going to want to miss it.


How did I not know there is a Bobbleheads movie?
December 9th, 2020 under Cher. [ Comments: none ]

Did you know there is an animated movie with Bobbleheads? Well, there is one, and it is out on home video now. It gets even better, Cher is the special guest star in the film.

If I could turn back time, I would have promoted Bobbleheads: The Movie earlier. However, I believe it is not too late.

I don’t know about you, but I know what I am going to do today to make my lockdown seem a whole lot less awful.


Dolly Parton being a ho, ho, ho!
December 9th, 2020 under Dolly Parton. [ Comments: none ]

Dolly Parton is continuing with her series of Dollyisms on Instagram. In the latest one, she said, “I’m going to say this is the only time of the year where it is OK to greet someone by saying ‘ho, ho, ho.'”

Since it is, every time you see someone who needs a smile, then instead of saying “hello,” say “ho, ho, ho.” It will definitely get a reaction out of them. Hopefully, it will be the one we want.

Seriously, can Dolly be any cuter? We all need her in our lives because she is like happiness wrapped up in joy topped with glee.


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