Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » September
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Hot Links!
September 10th, 2019 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Want to see Sharon Osbourne's new face? – Dlisted

Hilary Duff in a bikini – GCeleb

Which movie was hated at the TIFF? – Celebitchy

Who should star in the Face/Off reboot? – ScreenRant

Does this woman look like Jessica Rabbit? – The Blemish

Is Selma Blair saying she has crabs? – Drunken Stepfather


Ashton Kutcher explains his pornstache
September 9th, 2019 under Ashton Kutcher, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

For the last few months we have seen Ashton Kutcher with a mustache and it is not for a role. Then why would he do that to his model face? Revenge!

Who is he getting revenge on? He told Jimmy Fallon on tonight’s Tonight Show that it is wife. He went to a birthday party of an English singer and she told him it was a ’70s themed one. Therefore, he went as the late Burt Reynolds from Boogie Nights. He thought he was looking fly.

There was just one problem, Mila Kunis got the decade wrong, It was a ’30s New Year’s Eve party. Which means he was totally out of place but didn’t show it. He just acted like everything was groovy.

That was the party. When he got home, he got revenge on his wife by deciding not to shave off the pornstache he grew for the party. You have to wonder who is suffering more because of it? Jackie who has to look at it even though she likes it or Kelso that has to go around in public looking like that even though he hates it? To me, he is the loser of the two because only select people look good in a stache and he is not one of them.


BTWF: Christopher Knight on Mannix
September 9th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, The Brady Bunch. [ Comments: none ]

Before Christopher Knight had a happy family life on The Brady Bunch, he was in the middle of an ugly custody battle on Mannix. How cute was the 9-year-old in that 1967 episode?


The best person to introduce Kelly Clarkson is…
September 9th, 2019 under Kelly Clarkson, Steve Carell. [ Comments: none ]
Today was the day that The Kelly Clarkson Show debuted and they had the perfect person to call out her name. Someone who has done it before in a very memorable way. Of course, that person is Steve Carell. Sadly, this time he screamed out her name without getting his chest waxed. That would have been the cherry on top for me. But then again, I am a sadist and that is my favorite scene in the movie.

When it comes to the talk show, it was a good first show. She did a great job interviewing The Rock who filled in for the injured Kevin Hart. Plus, she had some cute interactions with her neighbors, This Is Us and America’s Got Talent. I think the show has a long future ahead of it.


Sarah Palin got divorce papers for her 31st anniversary
September 9th, 2019 under Divorce. [ Comments: none ]

Todd and Sarah Palin celebrated their 31st anniversary on August 29th and they will not be celebrating a 32nd one. That is because Todd filed for divorce on Friday in Alaska.

According to Anchorage Daily News, his grounds for divorce are, “incompatibility of temperament between the parties such that they find it impossible to live together as husband and wife.” No other details are known at this time.

However, the former couple is trying to keep it very quiet. Instead of using their full names on the papers, they went with their initials. His lawyer also asked that details of the divorce be kept confidential from this point on.

Since he is the quiet one of the two, I doubt she will keep it hush hush. I would no be surprised if she does a sit-down interview with someone soon to talk all about what went wrong. Not only that, I betcha she pitches a reality show as a newly single woman trying to date in Alaska where there are more men than women. I would not put it past her. Too bad Bristol is married because they could have done it together. Could you imagine? Sarah Palin Wants You!


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