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Punk is the realist docuseries on the genre!
March 11th, 2019 under Epix, Iggy Pop. [ Comments: none ]
Before there was New Wave, Alternative, Grunge and Emo Rock, there was Punk music. It gave birth to so many different genres of Rock, and tonight at 10p, Epix tells the story of how Punk began and is still going strong in a 4-part docuseries that sits down with the biggest name in that scene.

I always thought that Punk started in the mid-’70s, but turns out it was truly born at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The Chicago 8 invited a whole bunch of bands to play at their protests, but only MC5 showed up. As they were playing, the police were beating up the young protestors as they listened to the band. The band and several other people realized they needed to use music to get their message out.

Iggy Pop, who grew up in a trailer, watched a lot of music shows, as he took drum lessons, and he liked how untraditional MC5 was. He respected them and their style. Although, they were not the band that convinced the Detroit native to stop playing back up with Blues bands. That title went to The Doors, who he saw play a college dance. They did not know any of their songs and they did not care. That inspired him to break out on his own and eventually become the Godfather of Punk.

Around that time, Sylvain Sylvain was in high school and he asked the guy, who was surrounded by girls, to join his band. At first, Johnny Thunders, said no, but then he said yes and learned how to play bass. The men would wear women’s clothes, threads from England and their girlfriends’ makeup when they went on stage as the New York Dolls. Creating an androgynous look that is notoriously identified with Punk Rock.

They were not the only ones playing the New York scene at clubs like CBGBs, so was a band called Blondie. Their repertoire was so short, Debbie Harry says that they played each of their songs 4 times along with covers. None of that discouraged them, so they kept on playing and eventually become the band we know today.

They were not the only band who was taking NYC by storm, so was The Ramones. No one knew what to make of them, but they were popular even though their quick songs had their sets lasting around 15 minutes.

I said earlier that Iggy Pop was from Detroit, he was not the only one. Jayne County also hailed from there. She was rock’s first transgendered performer and she would trick people to let her band play their clubs.

They are the forefathers and foremothers of Punk Rock, but they got their name from a magazine. A name they did not like because of what Punk meant back then. That is one of the many many many interesting things you will learn about Punk tonight and the next few weeks on Epix.

The episode ends with one line from Johnny Lydon aka Johnny Rotten, so I am assuming next week looks at the British groups like Sex Pistols, The Clash and David Bowie.

Whether you love Punk music or just want to know more about, this is a great history lesson for all to enjoy. Well, maybe not your kids because they might be too young. F*ck that, you are never too young to understand what Punk is all about. Teach the impressionable when they are impressionable.


When will we say goodbye to The Big Bang Theory?
March 11th, 2019 under CBS, Chuck Lorre, Gd Friended Me. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since CBS announced in August that this will be The Big Bang Theory’s final season, we have wanted to know when that last episode will air. Today, CBS told us that and when their other shows are ending their seasons.

To see how much time you have to stock up on tissues, then click here!


Santa Clarita Diet makes me smile
March 11th, 2019 under Drew Barrymore, Netflix, Timothy Olyphant. [ Comments: none ]

I grew up with Horror movies and show, but yet I have never been a fan of Zombies. There are just a handful that I can actually stand to watch. Santa Clarita Diet is one of them. Therefore, I have been hungry for new episodes.

Today, Netflix announced they are serving up a whole new season on March 29th. Looks we are going to love it as much as Joel (Timothy Olyphant) and Sheila (Drew Barrymore) love each other. Which might give a whole new meaning until death we do part.


Will Jerry O’Connell’s talk show be Funny or Die?
March 11th, 2019 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn. [ Comments: none ]

Funny or Die and Debmar-Mercury have teamed up with Jerry O’Connell to do a new daytime talk show that will test out for three weeks starting August 12th on some Fox stations.

O’Connell had this to say about Jerry O, “I love daytime. I love watching it and have fallen in love with guest-hosting it. Whether asking people to ‘Cash Me Outside’ or asking them ‘How You Doin?’, daytime is a big part of my life” Then he added, “I am thrilled to work with my friends at both Debmar-Mercury and Funny Or Die. I have been collaborating with both companies for years and am so excited to bring a little bit of the traditional – and something brand new – to the audience. This is going to be a fun, fun time and everyone is invited. Let’s party.”

Debmar-Mercury produces Wendy, a show that O’Connell has guest hosted on several times, therefore they are familiar with his hosting styles.

O’Connell has also done several funny bits, like the one above, for Funny or Die, so he is the perfect person to incorporate their segments within the talk show. In fact, Funny Or Die’s CEO Mike Farah said, “Jerry is one of the all-time great guys. He’s funny, smart and his energy is contagious. We’re proud to collaborate with him and Debmar-Mercury, and think this is the perfect show for Funny Or Die’s first foray into daytime television!”

Normally, I dread August, but this year I am looking forward to it. He is going to make the hot month even hotter. Therefore, you should mark your calendars because if anyone deserves a talk show, it is him.


Robyn’s fans were not Dancing On My Own after her NYC concert
March 11th, 2019 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

How many times after you go to a concert, you still have songs from the show stuck in your head. All you want to do is sing that song out loud, but you cannot because you are too busy looking for your car. Therefore, you are find yourself belting out it in your car, with your friends, while you are stuck in endless traffic trying to get out of that place.

Anyways, while that is us, that was not Robyn’s fans on Friday after her gig at Madison Square Garden. After the concert was over, several of them headed to Penn Station and waited for their train to get home. Since they all had her tune Dancing On My Own stuck in their head, they decided to have an impromptu sing-a-long. Making an awesome concert experience even more spectacular.

How did Robyn feel about it? She said, “Feeling the love NYC 💓” Who wouldn’t after that?

Well, maybe Hall & Oates after I saw them perform at Chastain Park. That is because the duo did not sing Private Eyes at their show. Therefore, as we were walking down the hill to our cars, we all broke out to into the single. Which was totally epic and one of my absolute favorite musical experiences of my lifetime. BTW I am still pissed, to this day, that they did not do it. Don’t you hate when bands don’t play their biggest hits?

At least Robyn did not disappoint. To see her sing that number at MSG that night, then click here!


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