Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » March
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Alex Trebek thanks the hundreds of thousands of people who wished him well
March 14th, 2019 under Jeopardy. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Alex Trebek revealed that he is battling Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer. Since then hundreds of thousands of people have sent him emails, texts, tweets, letters and cards to wish him well as he fights for his life.

Today, the beloved host of Jeopardy recorded a message thanking everyone for their outpouring of love. He said he cannot respond to each one of them personally, but he wanted to let us know he reads every single one of them.

Then he ended the message by saying, “I am thankful for your kind words, the prayers and the advice you have offered, and I extremely touched by the warmth you have expressed in your comments. I’m a lucky guy.”

Alex, we are even luckier to have your warmth in our lives. I hope you can feel all the positive energy we are sending your way. May you feel it around you like a healing spirit during this difficult time.


BTWF: Lori Loughlin for Coleco Adam Computer
March 14th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, Full House. [ Comments: none ]
Before Lori Loughlin should have been asking herself if how she allegedly got her daughters into college was legal, she knew to ask her friend if what he was doing on his Coleco Adam Computer was legal! She looks the same now as she did when she was 20 in that 1984 commercial.


Hallmark Channel makes a hallmark decision about Lori Loughlin
March 14th, 2019 under Hallmark. [ Comments: none ]

Just days after Lori Loughlin was indicted and arrested for allegedly helping her daughters get into college illegally, Hallmark Channel has made a decision about her future with their networks.

They announced today, “We are saddened by the recent news surrounding the college admissions allegations. We are no longer working with Lori Loughlin and have stopped development of all productions that air on the Crown Media Family Network channels involving Lori Loughlin including Garage Sale Mysteries, an independent third party production.”

She was in Canada filming with the network when the news broke, now the 16th Garage Sales Mysteries telemovie looks to be in doubt. No word if Hallmark Channel will continue airing the series When the Heart Calls which is currently airing its 6th season on Sundays nights. The show averages around 2 million viewers.

Is the news a surprise? Of course not. Hallmark Channel is a squeaky clean network and would not want to be associated with her and her scandal.

Which makes you wonder if Netflix will do the same with her for the final season of Fuller House. If they can fire creator Jeff Franklin, then they can do the same with her.

Which makes you want to ask her, was it worth it?

UPDATE: It was not worth it because Hallmark Channel has pulled Sunday’s new episode of When the Heart Calls.

Not only that TMZ is reporting that both of her daughters have dropped out of USC. They say that Olivia and Isabella could not handle bullying.

UPDATE 1: Lori Loughlin will also not be returning for the final season of Fuller House on Netflix.


Netflix is no longer taking it One Day at a Time
March 14th, 2019 under Netflix, Rita Moreno. [ Comments: none ]

Fans and critics are obsessed with the reboot of One Day at a Time on Netflix, but there were just not enough people who were watching the sitcom that stars Justina Machado and EGOT winner Rita Moreno as a mother and daughter who are trying to make it one day at a time.

That is why today, the streaming service announced, “We’ve made the very difficult decision not to renew One Day At A Time for a fourth season. The choice did not come easily — we spent several weeks trying to find a way to make another season work but in the end simply not enough people watched to justify another season.”

Executive Producers, Mike Royce and Gloria Calderón Kellett, responded to cancellation with a message for their small loyal viewers. They wrote, “Last night, Netflix told us they are cancelling One Day at a Time.

“We had the time of our lives making this show. We worked with the
best, most giving and talented cast, writers and crew ever, as well as
the incomparable Norman Lear. So while our hearts are very heavy
they are also bursting with appreciation for this amazing experience.
And for all of you. All of you who told us how much One Day at a
Time means to you. We’ve worked on many shows, but never have
we experienced the outpouring of love, connection, and support like
we have with ODAAT

“Along with our studio Sony, we will be exploring other places One
Day at a Time can live, and with any luck we’ll find one. Either way
our three seasons will always exist and be there for you and for us.
In the meantime we want to thank everybody who watched.”

Since Netflix is the goto home for cancelled shows like Lucifer and Designated Survivor, it will be interesting to see if they can find someone to save the show that was killed by Netflix.

The news is not a surprise because Calderón Kellett tweeted a month ago that the show was in trouble and asked the fans to rally for the show. Which they did. Sadly it was just not enough. What is not enough for Netflix will hopefully be enough for someone else.


If you’re Marvel hero and not in Avengers: End Game, are you really one?
March 14th, 2019 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Poor Deadpool, X-Men and Spider-man, they are like the only characters from Marvel who are not in the trailer for Avengers: End Game. Captain Marvel gets cut some slack because she came late to the party.

Moving past them, how awesome does the movie look after watching the second trailer for the film that comes out on April 26th. I think it might break some of the records that Star Wars: The Force Awakers broke or at least come close to a lot them.

Which will suck for Disney because it is called End Game and they cannot make a sequel to that. It is not like it is the Friday the 13th franchise and kill off Jason only to make him live again.


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