Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2019 » February
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The Scott brothers try to make William Shatner their property?
February 25th, 2019 under HGTV, William Shatner. [ Comments: none ]

William Shatner knows a lot of things, but there might some things he thinks he knows but he does not know. For example, he said this about the above photo, “Trying to give a little construction advice and feedback and some guys get soooo touchy…🙄 @mrsilverscott @mrdrewscott #divos 😘😝”

I guess the Property Brothers really did not like what he said because they tied him up with a rubber hose. Since it is a construction site, they can just leave him there and no one would find him for days, maybe longer. Although, I am sure they could ask for some ransom money and one of the many Trekkies would pay for it?

I wonder what show they are working on together. We know he is not one of the Brady Bunch, so it cannot be that renovation show. Or could it be?


John Legend is 482 months old
February 25th, 2019 under Chrissy Teigen, John Legend. [ Comments: none ]

Chrissy Teigen took one of those photos telling us her son Milo reached his 9-month milestone and then she did one with her biggest baby. Not Luna, but her husband.

John Legend is 482 months or just over 40 years old. His favorite song is Say a Little Prayer. His favorite show is The Rachel Maddow Show. He hates grammar and loves his family. Just like we love him.

I thought the photo of the youngest Legend was awwwdorable, but I think I like the one of the oldest one even more. Why don’t more parents do that?

To see the photo of Johnny’s mini-me, then click here!


Macaulay Culkin knows the only way he will be seen at the Oscars
February 25th, 2019 under Macaulay Culkin. [ Comments: none ]

Macaulay Culkin posted the above photo and said, “I can’t believe this is the 5th year in a row I’m not in the in-memoriam… And I’ve been trying so hard. #theoscars” If cigarettes and drinking won’t get him there, he will try the oven. That was just one of the many things that he did when he was home alone watching the Oscars.

He also popped pimples, held his cat, played with Lego, took a bath and cooked himself. You know what he had more fun than we did watching the Oscars. It was a true snoozefest.

Next year, he should host a live event online as an alternate to the Academy Awards. I would watch that instead.


Do you prefer Helen Mirren before or after
February 25th, 2019 under Helen Mirren. [ Comments: none ]

Helen Mirren might be 73 years old, and she is not afraid to show her age. Even though she looks no where near it.

While most actresses will not show what they look like before hair and makeup does their magic, she has no problem doing that. The Oscar winner shared a photo of her bare face as her team started working on her, and I don’t think she ever looked prettier. She is a true beauty naturally and that is why we love her so much. That and her wicked sense of humor.

To see her gorgeous floor-length pink and orange Schiaparelli Haute Couture gown, then click here!


Everyone wanted to leave their mark on James McAvoy
February 25th, 2019 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

A lot of celebs wore names like Gucci or Christian Siriano at the Oscars. James McAvoy didn’t wear those names. Instead, he wore Michael B Jordan, Charlize Theron, Bree Larson, Guillermo del Toro, Samuel L Jackson and Sarah Paulson on his shirt.

He explained, “Went to the Oscars. Presented. Got mugged by sharpie wielding celebrities. #thuglebrity I’m sure my shirt is going to be defaced by more of these entitled graffiti mentalists as the night goes on.”

That was who he got at the show, imagine who he got the parties. That white shirt was probably all red by the end of the night.

I saw he might auction the shirt off for charity. If I were him, I would frame it and put it over my bed.


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