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William Shatner’s great response to people who believe clickbait articles
June 18th, 2024 under William Shatner. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever been reading social media or a story and seen a link to an article about a celebrity that you know is absolutely false, yet you click on it to see what it says? I’ve done it several times.

Do you ever wonder how those celebrities react to the one about them? Well, William Shatner has some advice for the people who believe them. He wrote, “Those that are worried I have no real friends & I fear I will die alone need to stop reading clickbait articles. Go outside for some fresh air & sunshine. You need it. ”

And that is why The Shat is the Shit!


The force is strong with William Shatner
May 4th, 2024 under William Shatner. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Star Wars Day, and Stae Trek’s Captain Kirk has a message for fans of the competing Sci-Fi franchise. “TO THE CHILDREN OF SW… MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU,” William Shatner wrote. “When you grow up you can join the Federation! Love, Bill XOXO”

And with that, The Shat won May the Fourth Be You!


William Shatner insisted his Star Trek kiss with Nichelle Nichols happen
April 14th, 2024 under William Shatner. [ Comments: none ]

On November 22, 1968, William Shatner and Nichelle Nichols changed television when his white Captain Kirk kissed an African American Lieutenant Uhura.

Before then, people would go crazy if a white person touched a black one. So for the two actors to kiss was a big thing. It was such a big thing that it could have possibly led to Star Trek’s cancellation.

However, Shatner told Bill Maher on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday that he insisted the kiss happen. Had he not done that, who knows how much longer it would’ve taken for that to have happened?

But we don’t have to worry about that because it happened. So something that is so common today was grounds for cancellation 55 years ago.

We have some so far. And we still have a long way to go. But we will get there. I hope!


William Shatner is going to Mars with other celebrities
April 12th, 2023 under Fox, William Shatner. [ Comments: none ]

William Shatner has been to outer space, and now he is going to Mars with Fox on June 5th. And he won’t be alone.

Stars on Mars, an out-of-this-world new unscripted series, in which household names trade in their possessions, status and glamourous lifestyles on Earth for an insane and hilarious summer on “Mars.” Their mission? To be suited up with no space to go, as they colonize, compete and conquer their new galaxy surroundings, until there is just one “celebronaut” left standing. Legendary actor and Star Trek icon William Shatner serves as Mission Control and will deliver intergalactic tasks to these shining stars throughout their journey on the red planet. Stars on Mars touches down Monday, June 5 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

I don’t fully understand what the show is about, but I will be watching. Because who doesn’t think the Shat is the shit? Especially when he says stuff like this, “Good news for our celebronauts from Mission Control. Thanks to lower gravity on Mars, you’ll weigh 62% less. Bad news: the air is unbreathable, so if you’re from LA, it’ll remind you of home.”


William Shatner wants you to know he doesn’t plan on dying soon
March 13th, 2023 under William Shatner. [ Comments: none ]

William Shatner/Instagram

William Shatner did an interview with Variety, and the headline read “‘I Don’t Have Long to Live’.”

That quote was part of this answer: “I’ve turned down a lot of offers to do documentaries before. But I don’t have long to live. Whether I keel over as I’m speaking to you or 10 years from now, my time is limited, so that’s very much a factor. I’ve got grandchildren. This documentary is a way of reaching out after I die.”

Since he is 91 years old, his time is more limited than most, but how limited is it?

He took to social media to respond to the headline that went as far as to go where no man has gone before. “Reports of my pending demise have been greatly exaggerated (by the clickbait press😤.) All I meant was that I’m not going to live forever (☝🏻though I am going to make a valiant attempt!) & the documentary I did is for future generations & descendants to know a bit about me.🙄

“…However, should you want to believe the ‘clickbait press’, please 🙏🏻come & buy tickets to my final performances over the next few days ( & come to @sxsw to see the premiere of ‘You Can Call Me Bill’ because…you never know! 😝👉🏻🪦🤷🏼”

So there you have it. The Shat is going nowhere as far as he knows.


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