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Castle Rock haunts Hulu tonight
July 24th, 2018 under Hulu, JJ Abrams, Stephen King. [ Comments: none ]
When I heard that J.J. Abrams was doing a series about Stephen King’s fictional town Castle Rock for Hulu, I was excited about it. Then I watched the first four episodes, that begin streaming tonight, and I am not really sure what is going on.

The show starts off with Dale (Terry O’Quinn), the warden of Shawshank State Penitentiary, and it is his last day on the job. He kisses his wife goodbye, drives to the woods, ties a rope around his neck and drives his soon to be headless body into Castle Rock. He is dead, but he lives on as the narrator.

There is a new warden in town and she just found out that her predecessor left a wing of the overcrowded prison empty. When she sends in some guards to check it out, they discover a nameless young man who has been living there. No one knows who The Kid (Bill Skarsgård) is, and he is not telling them.

All they know about him is his first words were, “Henry Deaver” (André Holland). Deaver is a Texas lawyer, who record is pretty deadly. Deadly as in his clients die. When he gets the call from Shawshank, it means going home, a place he rarely goes. When he was 10 years old he went missing in December and after several days he is found unharmed with no memory of what happened. It is one of the town’s mysteries. That and what happened to his father. Some think he killed him, but he does not remember.

Something his mother (Sissy Spacek) is suffering from. She has dementia and he finds out that Alan (Scott Glenn), who found him as a kid, is living with her. Henry does not like him because there is a lot of conflict between the two. Alan also knows more about the town and answers a lot of our questions.

But there are a lot of questions that still need to be answered. While the show starts off really slowly, it does pick up at the end of the 4th episode. I will stick with it, so I suggest you do it.


BTWF: Melanie Lynskey in Ever After
July 24th, 2018 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Melanie Lynskey thought that Charlie was her Prince Charming on Two and a Half Men, she was after a real prince in Ever After. She looks the same now as she did when she was 20 in that 1998 movie that I love.


Demi Lovato reportedly rushed to the hospital for a suspected heroin overdose
July 24th, 2018 under Demi Lovato. [ Comments: none ]

Last month, Demi Lovato released her song Sober admitting that she had relapsed after several years of sobriety. Since the song’s release, she played several dates in Europe and one in California on Sunday night. There are rumors, that she relapsed sometime during spring. Which means she probably did not have time to get help for her addiction.

Which could be why TMZ is reporting that she was rushed to the hospital just before noon today for a suspected heroin overdose. While The Blast says the “exact nature of the emergency is still unclear.” Sources were “adamant” to them that it was not due to heroin.

Since this just happened within the last two hours, little much else is known at this time.

What is known is that she is slated to play Atlantic City on Thursday night, and then Latin America in September and November. Hopefully, she will take some time off to get herself better. And realize that after today that she is not alone and does not need to feel lonely again.

UPDATE: TMZ is now reporting that she was unconscious when paramedics got there and they gave her Narcan, a drug to treat narcotic overdoses, when she was treated at her Hollywood Hills this morning before being taken to the hospital. They are also reporting that she spent yesterday celebrating a friend’s birthday in West Hollywood.

UPDATE: Her aunt Kerissa Webb Dunn posted this positive update on Facebook, “Demi is awake and responsive- Thank God!! Thank you for your prayers and please continue praying for her full recovery both short and long term.”


Tom Cruise cannot stop laughing
July 24th, 2018 under Jimmy Fallon, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Tom Cruise is a very serious man. He laughs, but it is a controlled laughter. Yesterday, when he was on The Tonight Show, he could not control himself. Could be because Jimmy Fallon asked him to star in Mad Lib Theater with him and the two of them acted out the silliest scene. It is hard to keep a straight face when you are saying such goofy things.

The goofier, the better for us. It was nice to see Cruise have some fun and let loose. He should do it more often. It would make him more likable and approachable.


The fake Madam Secretary meets three real Secretaries of State
July 24th, 2018 under CBS, Politics. [ Comments: none ]

CBS is really going to piss off Donald Trump on October 7th because former Sectretaries of State Madaline Albright, General Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton are all going to guest star on the 5th season premiere of Madam Secretary on October 7th.

What will they be doing besides making the president go from orange to red? According to the press release, “In the episode, Secretary of State Elizabeth McCord, played by Téa Leoni, turns to the former secretaries of state to ask their advice on how to respond to a delicate situation.”

If their acting is as good as how they ran the State Department, then they are all going to get Emmys. That is if the episode airs because I am sure POTUS will do everything in his power to stop it.


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