Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2018 » June
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Salvation is back less focused on the meteor
June 25th, 2018 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]
I love disaster movies. Anytime that I hear a new one is out, I have to see it. Last season, when I heard that CBS was doing a series about a meteor plummeting towards the Earth, I knew I had to watch it. And I did.

I stayed with it, even after it seemed to be more about politics than about the end of the world. Well tonight at 9p, Salvation is back for its second season. If someone were to tune into the show without watching the first season, then they would have no idea that a meteor is about to destroy the world. They would think it is a show about some mysterious group who just launched a nuclear bomb at America in order to get what they want. They want the most brilliant minds to build something to protect them from the impending doom. But that is not really highlighted on the show.

I am not going into specifics about the season because, to be honest, I was bored and was barely paying attention. No offense to CBS, but for the last few years, they have tried to do Sci-Fi shows. And every year, they keep screwing them when they return for a second season. Under the Dome had one of the best first seasons, and then it just went to hell for the second and third seasons. Same for Extant, Zoo and now Salvation. Thus, I say to CBS, either make sure the show can do a successful second, third and so on seasons or make them a one season event.

As someone, who prefers Sci-Fi over procedurals, I really hope they stay out of this genre from now or at least until they can get it right. Because even Jennifer Finnigan cannot save Salvation.

Having said that, I probably will stick with the show. It will just be white noise like some of the shows I watch like Empire.


This might be one of the most perfect answers on Family Feud!
June 25th, 2018 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked two men on Family Feud, “Name something you might like to have 2 of on your bed?” Jesse buzzed in first and what do you think he said? Of course, he proudly went with, “Women, Steve!”

His opponent Carson thought it was such a perfect answer that he went over to Jesse, gave him that manly handshake and a half hug. Which made the host scold him with a “Carson, him I got. But you went over and hugged him. That little Bible study is going to be packed next week.” I am sure there is a passage in the great book somewhere about Ménage à trois he can talk to them about. If not we can pretend that there is one because it would definitely get more people into worship!

BTW can you believe that only 8 people said two other people in the bed? I have wanted two men in my bed since I saw it on Skinamax when I was a preteen! Pillows you can buy at any big box store, men are a little more expensive!

Seriously though, hats off to Jesse for saying what we were all thinking!


Gloria Estefan goes from singing One Day at a Time to guesting on the sitcom
June 25th, 2018 under Adam Sandler, Gloria Estefan, Netflix, Rita Moreno. [ Comments: none ]

A post shared by Gloria Estefan (@gloriaestefan) on

In case you did not know this, Gloria Estefan sings the reworked theme song for Netflix’s remake of One Day at a Time. But for the third season, they are changing things up. The Cuban born singer announced today that she will guest star on the fan favorite sitcom about a Cuban-American family living in Los Angeles.

The Conga singer will be playing Mirtha, Lydia’s (Rita Moreno) baby sister and arch-nemesis. I can totally see that because her and her TV niece Justina Machado have a lot of similarities between them. Plus, I can see Estefan having a lot of fun with this role.

This was not the only big casting announcement made by Netflix today. They also revealed that Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler will be working together on their 2019 feature Murder Mystery. The two worked together in 2011’s Just Go With It,

The movie is being described as, “When a NYC cop (Sandler) finally takes his wife (Aniston) on a long promised European trip, a chance meeting on the flight with a mysterious man (Luke Evans) gets them invited to an intimate family gathering on the Super Yacht of elderly billionaire Malcolm Quince. When Quince is murdered, they become the prime suspects in a modern day whodunit.”

I have a feeling this will be the first of many endeavors between Netflix and Aniston.


Could Family Matters be revived as a cartoon?
June 25th, 2018 under Jaleel White. [ Comments: none ]

When you think of Steve Urkel, you think he is so animated that he would make a great cartoon series? Therefore, could his character and the Winslow family come back as animated characters? Jaleel White answered that very question on Twitter, “Couldn’t agree more 💯 Animated series was pitched and rejected by the show’s original producers. Steve’s inventions made it all a cartoon by today’s TV standards but they didn’t see it that way 🤷🏽‍♂️ Thanks for the support. Check us out on @hulu.”

I think the producers are making a huge mistake because if anyone can take on The Simpsons and Family Guy, it is Family Matters. Best part, we do not have deal with older versions of the characters we know and love. They can be just the way were. Who wants a 40-year-old Urkel when he could still be that nerdy teen driving everyone crazy?

Especially since White based his character after Ed Grimley and Martin Short turned that dream into one of animation gold.

Would you like to see Family Matters: The Cartoon?


That is a lot of naked women
June 25th, 2018 under Guinness World Records. [ Comments: none ]

Photos by Karen Wade,

On June 9th, 2,505 women showed up for the annual Strip and Dip event at the Meaghermore beach in Wicklow, Ireland. Together all of those remarkable women of all different shapes and sizes broke the Guiness Book World’s Records for Largest Skinny Dipping.

Why did they strip and dip? They did it to raise money for Aoibheann’s Pink Tie, an Irish children’s cancer charity. Together the women, who came from all over Ireland and 22 other countries, raised €160,000. Not only are those kids the winners, so is every one of those ladies who got to be as free and as anyone can be for a day.

Deirdre Featherstone, a breast cancer survivor, started this event 6 years ago. That first year only 80 women showed up. This month she had over 30 times that amount of women take off all of their clothes and go for a swim. Sorry guys, no men were allowed for the girls day, literally, out.

In case you were wondering, the last holder of the record only was in 2015 when 786 people went skinny dippig at South Beach in Perth, Australia.

Cannot wait to see how many women show up next year! If I had big enough balls I would do it. But as you can tell from this event women, do not have balls!


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