Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2018 » February
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The thing that Gal Gadot can so with her hips!
February 27th, 2018 under Gal Gadot. [ Comments: none ]

Thanks to Wonder Woman, we learned that Gal Gadot can do a lot of things with her body. But there was something the movie did not teach us. She showed Vanity Fair the special thing she can do with her hips. She can hula hoop. I am sure all the boys are enjoying her talent as much as she is. They are also just as out of breath!

BTW I hope Patty Jenkins see this and adds a hula hooping scene to the sequel. She fend off bullets with it, right?


The Rock has a monkey on his back
February 27th, 2018 under The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

The Rock was promoting his movie Rampage and they brought in another star to help him out. Since they could not use the gorilla that was featured in the film, they used the monkey who co-starred in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Did Pablo and DJ get along? They did up until Dwayne Johnson told his new friend he needed a Tic Tac for his breath. Pablo went ape sh!t when the human told him to do that. Now they will never work together again. Which is a shame because that kissing scene would have been so hot.


This is a pretty impressive front row for the Knicks!
February 27th, 2018 under Amy Schumer, Tracy Morgan. [ Comments: none ]

The Knicks get a lot of celebrities to go see them play, and sometimes they get to sit in the front row to root for the team. Yesterday, they had a quite an impressive row of celebs. Amy Schumer took a photo of the lineup and she sat next to Chris Rock, Tracy Morgan, Leslie Jones and all the way on the other end was Jon Stewart. He seems to be surprised to be there with all of them. Or maybe he is surprised they got the the good seats along side him? What do you think?

Either way, I would have loved to have sat right behind them to hear all the jokes they must have been telling to each other. That is all comedians do when they hang out, tell jokes. Right?


Watch Zac Efron transform into Ted Bundy!
February 27th, 2018 under Zac Efron. [ Comments: none ]

A post shared by Zac Efron (@zacefron) on

Zac Efron is playing Ted Bundy in the upcoming biopic, but he had to change up his look to play the serial killer. Yesterday, he shared a video of what he had to do to transform into his character. He sat in the makeup chair as the made his straight hair wavy. Which makes you wonder why he didn’t just get a perm?

What is really nice about this video is that it is nice to see a man sit in the makeup chair as long as the actresses do. They need to be made to look pretty too.


Josh Duhamel saves Today from a mouse!
February 27th, 2018 under Josh Duhamel, TV News. [ Comments: 2 ]

Josh Duhamel not only plays an action hero on the big screen, he is one in real life too. This morning while he was in the green room to go on the Today show, he saw a mouse. Instead of calling his publicist to handle the situation, he grabbed a coffee cup and caught Mickey. Al Roker was so impressed, he interviewed him right then and there about it. Only problem is as Duhamel was showing off the prize, Stuart Little made a run for it. Only to once again to be caught by the actor.

What did Fergie’s ex do with the cup? He left it with all of the other coffee cups. Imagine the poor person who goes to make some java using it? That will be pretty awesome.

When it comes to rodent, I think Today should keep it around just like they do with all the service puppies they foster. They can give him a name and everything. Although, the new pup on the show might eat him for a snack.

Save the Today mouse!


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