Cedric Yarbough recorded this video of him lip synching and dancing to Annibale E I Cantori Moderni’s Trinity (Titoli) and said this with the video, “(Yes, I’m bored. Someone date me.)” Therefore, does this video make you want to date the actor who leaves you Speechless every week? I say yes because that makes him a triple threat and who doesn’t love a triple threat?
Want to see him win his way to your heart through your stomach (by causing you belly laughs), then watch him on Speechless tonight and every Wednesday at 8:30p on ABC.
We have all heard that Neil Patrick Harris is good at magic, but how many of us have seen him do it? Now we can say that we have because he performed two tricks on Ellen today. His first trick was card one and it did not go over that well. The next was a gifting one and it also did not go over so well. Wait why did I say he is a good magician? Oh that’s why!
When you think of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, you think of Chicago because it is a leading character in the movie. Was the whole movie filmed there? That was something that Gina Rodriguez wanted to know since she is from the windy city, so she asked him yesterday when they were both on The Late Late Show with James Corden. What did he tell her? The exteriors were shot in Illinois, but the interiors were filmed in…Los Angeles. Dang that Hollywood trickery.
If 2017 can be remembered for anything, it needs to be remembered as the year that sexual assault victims found their voice and used it take on their abusers.
For centuries assaulters got away with attacking and demeaning their victims because they were in a power position. Not anymore. We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore. We are screaming “#MeToo” from rooftops all over the world and the world is finally listening. It is such a powerful movement that Time Magazine is honoring it as their People of the Year. I know they say Person, but it is us people who are making it happen. We are doing this so future generations will not have to go through with what we went through. To live with the mental scars that never go away. That make me cry as I type this because there is still one story I cannot talk about and it happened to me when I was just 17. I will tell you I went to the police and they did nothing. They were upset I wasted their time and they knew and respected my mom and still treated us that way. I don’t want anyone to live with a scar like that. I want the police to listen. I want the bosses to listen. I want everyone to listen. And I want them to BELIEVE us. Is that asking for too much?
By Time recognizing #MeToo aka the Silence Breakers, it solidifying the historic moment for future generations to. We will forget about the President, but we will always remember 2017 as the year that we said no more! You can not use power to harass me any more. In the words of Twisted Sister, “We’re not gonna take it anymore!”